should I return my disappearing libra male txt

This topic was created in the Libra forum by innerbeauty1 on Sunday, January 8, 2012 and has 19 replies.
This is my first time being involved with a libra man and I have done alot of research on them.. alot off what I heard about them have been true. we have been seeing each other for about a year now.. we were just friends then things went from one stage to another.. last week I told him that I think I was nlove with him and I think that kind of pushed him away.. anyhow if that's the case I kind of have an attitude now because I haven't heard from him in about 3 days.. I don't want to play games, but I feel like maybe I should just leave him alone if that's the way he responds to my love.. only thing is I know that once he txt me I will give in and txt him back.. wonder if that's a good idea... I have been the one doing most of the pursuing and I'm tired want him to pursue me some and if he doesn't just move on..but I don't want to be desperate if he txt I txt right back.. I don't want him to think I'm weak cus I'm not I just love him.. so any advice anyone?
That's harsh!!!! Be nice thehealer! More like jackass to me !!
If you love him no one is pursuing anymore. Be honest. Tell him you love hi
and tell him you respect his need for space (Libra air sign) but you just need a heads up. Don't beg, plead, whine or cry. When he does disappear focus on you! Have fun!
Good luck!
thanks thehealer! yeah that's what I thought... I'm really not into playing games but I have been very kind to his fickled tale! I told him that its impossible for me to have done all the things that I have done with him and not have any emotions.. I'm just not that kind of girl.. if that's the case I could just lay up with any man becus I do have options... ima leo gemini and I have too much pride to chase anyone, but I do really like him and I kno he will b txtn soon because I'm not ever going to txt him because I txtd last and he didn't respond.. no matter how much pain I feel.. only cus I have been really good to him.. my question is how should I b or respond to him when he does txt? btw, I like your username smile
thanks nikkimsesmile libras are so strange.. I would b sad if I was one... lol I do like libras tho, but just not to date I guess.. too much work for a lioness that's use to getting alot of attention and more from a man.. I use to men that kno what they want.. but my libra friend is a baddy and can b sweet.. I just don't want to chase or seem desparate cus that behavior will turn anyone away.
Obviously I can't tell what he's thinking, but in my experience the most common thing is this: You've given him a significant new piece of information, i.e. that you love him. That is fine. He needs time to process that because it has implications for his own feelings. If he loves you too and he doesn't fear responsibility for your love he will contact you. If he doesn't believe that he feels the love that you do then he may come to the conclusion that to continue the relationship would be dishonest. He would see no future, where you clearly do. If this is the case then he won't contact you, or, if you are lucky, he will let you know that he does not want to continue the relationship. Why do I say 'if you are lucky'? Just that you are not kept hanging around. In a way his failure to respond is a sign that he is contemplating your words which is a good thing. I don't think he is playing games. I think he is evaluating the future. I would not contact him until he has done his thinking and he gets back in touch. If he doesn't, you know how he feels.
A year is a typical time for people in a relationship to decide whether to 'take it to the next level'. This is often a make or break situation. It's hard, but in the end you will hopefully have a clearer idea of where you stand.
Thank u Thehealer I like u already!! love a waterbearer smile yes you are absolutely correct.. I need a Man! I like your style let me know if u need some healing smile
Libra Rose thank u.. that's what I love about libras (their intelligence) very profound.. everything u said were things I needed to take into consideration.. sadly for him if he takes too long because the gemini in me allows me to become detached quickly and the leo in me makes me frisky... so I will b alright with whatever happens.. one thing I have learned from Libras is patience so I'm going to lay back and either wait for him to take all that ive said in or another baddy to come my way to catch my interest... whichever is firstWinking
I agree with LibraRose the most. He is definitely thinking about what you said, weighing the pro's and con's of the situation. You are doing right by allowing him that space, if you crowd him after dropping something heavy like the "L" word, he will either run for the heels, thinking you are clingy and pushy, or he will tell you flat out in his peace loving charming libra way, that you need to back up and give him some space to sort and think things through. (Of course we are too nice, and charming to say it bluntly like that though,lol) However I would say him having to think about the love thing could be a good or bad thing. You just never know with a Libra and their feelings. One minute they love an like someone and the next that are repulsed just looking at the person, normally the person has said or did something unintentionally and through off the Lovely Libra balance that is so very important to us. (Not your fault, but you should know how much them damn scales be riding us.) I swear. Its nerve recking. Sometimes I wish I could just go with the flow, if a libra goes with the flow they are still searching else where, and you've given them no choice in the matter, which will make them leave altogether. When we love we have to have that common ground security, we have to be equal with our partner on ALL levels. So if you love him, and he doesn't love you yet, its' bothering him. He would hate to lead you on, but if he enjoys your company you will notice him popping in and out, (His way of protecting your feelings, he feels if he goes away for sometime and come back, some of your feelings would have calmed down now, and yall can go back to being a flighty smooth breeze pair.)
Key thing to remember when dealing with a Libra is when they dealing with Love, mostly they run if they are unsure about it. They don??t go far though so don??t worry. We run, to weigh it out. Everything has to be balanced. EVERYTHING! Love, Finance, Job, Family, Friends, nothing can tip our scales or we will flip. It will bother us to the max, and we will become distant and focused until we get those darn scales back in balance. If the scales are not balanced then neither are we, which gives you a confused, undecided Libra which is a terrible combo for Love. Trust me. The last thing you want is to be involved with a Libra that is unsure of the relationship or how he feels about it, I would do exactly what your doing give that JOKA 50 feet. Signs are the disappearing acts, the random text and calls. The hot and cold moments. All signs that we are unsure about you, or something about the relationship throws us off. It may be small and even petty, but it throws us off that balance off RED FLAG. Chill while he's chilling. Now one thing you leo do that just does not work on a Libra is expect a chase. Im sorry to inform you that you have met your match in a Libra. We love a chase just as much and hate rejection 2x as much. So you would be wise not to think that he is going to do a lot of work while you chill. He will not. He may start but when he realizes it he will drop cold and come to a complete stop until you meet him half way. Don??t push the love thing, be as light as air until he comes around. If you cant handle it, disappear until you get it together, he will understand especially if he does it to you. We are all about fairness, if you give him space he will certainly respect yours.
Posted by thehealer
yeah ok u are boring. justify him as much as u want. am not even reading the book uve just written.

I swear she so effin lucky this stupid azz forum wont let me post what i want, becuz yo azz would be every curse word i could conjur up. Next person hit my inobx about a effin libra, make sure you block all the azz holez off your page if you expect me to comment. She ask for my opinion then i gotta deal with bs from people. aint that a **g $ $ ;#% ^&*( $ %
Thank u ALibra appreciate the advice & your thoughts.. no I am not going to call or chase him while he is taking a break. I understand weighing the pros and cons thing.. I will give him all the space he needs.. One thing leos possess is pride, so eventho im feeling a certain way my pride wont let me act clingy esp if I havent done anythng wrong. Besides he lives about 2000 miles away from me so thats alot of space in itself.. lol.. I just left from there over the holiday and it was a bit overwhelmimg, so if he has to get himself together so be it.. We have pretty good chemistry.. I love to be chased but im humble and not cocky.. Im a dime and I have all my stuff together for what its worth so i believe he will be back.. My problem is after he put me on pulse it did kinda rub me the wrong way.. mess with my ego a bit.. I dont know how long I should wait to respond back or how I should act or be with him... I also dont want him to know I was pressd about him not talkng to me.. I mean does he believe he can just disappear and expect to come back to a sweet girl again? I do have feelings and that was inconsiderate.. Also, I look weak and desparate if I just let him back easy and act like nothing happend.. what should I do about that?
Posted by ALibra
I swear she so effin lucky this stupid azz forum wont let me post what i want, becuz yo azz would be every curse word i could conjur up. Next person hit my inobx about a effin libra, make sure you block all the azz holez off your page if you expect me to comment. She ask for my opinion then i gotta deal with bs from people. aint that a **g $ $ ;#% ^&*( $ %

yeah, I've got her blocked already - makes these threads much shorter - LOL
Posted by innerbeauty1
Thank u ALibra appreciate the advice & your thoughts.. no I am not going to call or chase him while he is taking a break. I understand weighing the pros and cons thing.. I will give him all the space he needs.. One thing leos possess is pride, so eventho im feeling a certain way my pride wont let me act clingy esp if I havent done anythng wrong. Besides he lives about 2000 miles away from me so thats alot of space in itself.. lol.. I just left from there over the holiday and it was a bit overwhelmimg, so if he has to get himself together so be it.. We have pretty good chemistry.. I love to be chased but im humble and not cocky.. Im a dime and I have all my stuff together for what its worth so i believe he will be back.. My problem is after he put me on pulse it did kinda rub me the wrong way.. mess with my ego a bit.. I dont know how long I should wait to respond back or how I should act or be with him... I also dont want him to know I was pressd about him not talkng to me.. I mean does he believe he can just disappear and expect to come back to a sweet girl again? I do have feelings and that was inconsiderate.. Also, I look weak and desparate if I just let him back easy and act like nothing happend.. what should I do about that?

Hmmm... 2000 miles away. That can be an added complication when evaluating the future of a relationship.
Anyway, when he gets back in touch make sure that you have lots of exciting news about the fab life you have been living. Lots of nights out with friends, fun stuff at the weekend. This is fun stuff he's missed while he was away. You don't need to drive the point home, he'll get it by himself. Don't try and make him jealous by mentioning other men - this could backfire. How sad that he's missed time with such a fun person!! LOL Whether you are training a pet, a child or a man it works best when you reward good behaviour rather than punish bad behaviour. That way they keep coming your way for more!
LIBRAROSE I JUST BLOCKED HER.LOL. Im at work, and chick bout to have me toss my computer out the Inner beauty i inboxed you back. Sorry its so long.
I thnk before you return anybody's text, you may want to put some clothes.
On. Lol
LOL trynguess!!! I know... but its sexy aint it!!!
LibraRose thank u, yes the distance does make it complicated, but we both make good money so we fly back and forth.. I am planning on moving there in August.. U r very wise saying "reward good behavior rather punish bad behavior" smile btw, He just txtd me apologizing about not getting back with me been really busy and hes going to respond to my email soon.. said he hopes all is well with me.. LOL its been 4days... I said hi & all is well.. understand your busy.. take your time.. hope your doing well too.. so here we go again...LOL