Obviously I can't tell what he's thinking, but in my experience the most common thing is this: You've given him a significant new piece of information, i.e. that you love him. That is fine. He needs time to process that because it has implications for his own feelings. If he loves you too and he doesn't fear responsibility for your love he will contact you. If he doesn't believe that he feels the love that you do then he may come to the conclusion that to continue the relationship would be dishonest. He would see no future, where you clearly do. If this is the case then he won't contact you, or, if you are lucky, he will let you know that he does not want to continue the relationship. Why do I say 'if you are lucky'? Just that you are not kept hanging around. In a way his failure to respond is a sign that he is contemplating your words which is a good thing. I don't think he is playing games. I think he is evaluating the future. I would not contact him until he has done his thinking and he gets back in touch. If he doesn't, you know how he feels.
A year is a typical time for people in a relationship to decide whether to 'take it to the next level'. This is often a make or break situation. It's hard, but in the end you will hopefully have a clearer idea of where you stand.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Lol aquaj, i havent had the displeasure of meeting one. Thanx God for that!
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Sep 12, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 249 · Topics: 24
After months and months of my bf telling me he loves me more than he's ever loved anybody, that he "worships" me, and telling me almost every day that he wants to marry me (he brought this up, before him mentioning the subject, I never even broached the topic), he's suddenly assumed a very cold and distant reproach. In the span of several days, he's stopped telling me he wants to be with me or that he even loves me. He's stopped expressing any degree of emotion or affection towards me lately. I asked if something was bothering him, urging him to tell me if there were something I could do, if he wanted to talk, if he needed space etc. but nothing. He says "little things" are bothering him, but I asked if I had anything to do with it, or if I could do anything to help cheer him up, but he just said no.
Today we're leaving for a small trip we've been planning for a while and were both VERY excited to go on, but now he's not enthused about it at all. The way he talks to me is so cold and clinical recently, I don't know what to do. When he act this way, I react by trying to show him how much I love and support him, so I counter how cold he is being by being warmer towards him.
I'm really confused. In a week, he went from telling me he can't stop talking about me to his friends and telling them he wants to share a future with me, to barely talking to me at all. Is it better to just let him be, or let him know that I'm still there for him, and to continue showing him affection? I don't understand what would cause such a radical shift in somebody so suddenly.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Its the opposition between the two, right? What is the opposite of smartness, intelligence, brilliance, etc, everything synonymous with being aqua. Ahahaha
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
With this girl, however, it's not even closure ... it's stupidity
Once I go back and read her tale, it becomes obvious that she has no integrity
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Seriously .... what a waste of oxygen