Super Irritable atm, Libra or Me?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by sweethearts on Tuesday, March 18, 2014 and has 15 replies.
Soooo snappy and short with people. I can feel my blood boiling in certain situations and I'm very blunt!! Is it me and the stresses I have or is it a Libran thing atm?
I feel like I have to keep away from people as they are seemingly incompetent, not thinking or just plain thick!!
Think I need a holiday or an escape.
I normally will let things go over my head but not anymore, I'm scarily vocal and don't care if I offend someone when I think they are clearly not thinking or being presumptuous!
I did decide that I wasn't going to sit back and be a doormat anymore at the beginning of the year..
Posted by utopian
retro Libra Mars.

I've never had much patience for stupid people. I have found that openly mocking them not only makes them leave/shut up, but it also makes me feel good. That's what's known as a win-win situation.
I do have a month long trip planned DJ but not for another 2 months time and I'm so looking forward to it. In the meantime I have to put everything into play to keep the wheels spinning while I'm away.
Totally understand and feel what your saying LS... Is it age and the "sick of worrying about what people think of me" faze? I use to think my old aunt was blatantly honest and quite rude... Now I feel I'm being her and it's about speaking the truth!
Absolutely it's about speaking the truth. I have been told I can be blunt and rude but it's always in situations where people are fake. I'm not out looking for drama, that would offend my inner pacifist, I just... I am put off by people at large. Plus it is kinda fun to make someone squirm. I am turning into a grumpy hermit haha.
Yea. I've just suddenly cut ties with a friend. Her unreliability and attitude had been bugging me for a while, and I've had enough.
I think this is good for us. Leebs have to stand our ground eventually, even if it has to happen in one fell swoop!
Posted by LibraSid
I've never had much patience for stupid people. I have found that openly mocking them not only makes them leave/shut up, but it also makes me feel good. That's what's known as a win-win situation.

that's what's known as an aries moon situation.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by LibraSid
I've never had much patience for stupid people. I have found that openly mocking them not only makes them leave/shut up, but it also makes me feel good. That's what's known as a win-win situation.

that's what's known as an aries moon situation.
click to expand

The good part is the libra mercury silver tongue thing. I often have the person I'm making fun of laughing or smiling for most of it.

It's kinda weird cause I don't consider myself mean. In fact, more often than not I go out of my way to be considerate and helpful. I just really get bothered by stupid people. Lately I have felt the need to let them know haha.
I seem to have ruffled your feathers paisley boy Big Grin Go play your silly games with the old men that will still put up with you...your clocks ticking and you won't be worth much soon. Might pay to have a back up plan!
As LS says, it actually feels great to get these things out rather than grin and bare it...the problem I have is internal and being too forthright and mean.. some idiots deserve a fist full of truth but I do have to be careful on the deliverance with some too.
I don't know enough about astrology to understand when you talk about mars in retrograde etc, I just know how I'm feeling.
I've been standing my ground lately but it causes such a headache! It's like a crime to say no. I hope that isn't random smile
I've been down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself lately. Must be the Mars retrograde.
Anyone else feeling run down and lazy lately? I'm just....blah. I just want a Drinks.
Good to now I'm not alone... Feeling shirty, haven't even worked out even though I know I will feel better after a good sweat...when does mars go direct? Hope soon..._???_???_???