Posted by SweeetzPosted by geminicandIe
I am curious to know their age...
Okay. That is the second time you asked what I was going to ask, lol. I was just thinking she may be really to expand
Posted by theleoman
Yes I "hit" but it was her attitude that made me "quit" The truth has already been told & we were not dating either. The things is a few phone calls and text every day not matter what.Yes it has become harassment.
Posted by duchessedenemours
As much of an ass as he sounds to be, you can't solely blame him for the sex thing. Women should be self aware enough to know if they can handle sex without a commitment.
Posted by geminicandIePosted by theleoman
she was aware of FWB but its overbearing and its been over sorry 100 text since jan 12 and i haven't replied to any text or calls. But I made her aware of my reasons why she promised not to call or text but is still doing it. Can I tree-truck her again YES . Will I tree-trunk her again NO. was it worth it NO. has this happened before
NO.Do i want it to stop YES.
It would be easier if you just paid a Hooker for sex, don't you think?
I swear, men are dumb. But so are the women. If she gonna spread them like that, at least find someone to pay her bills and dinners and gifts. SMH!click to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
It's okay, though. Sounds like his ego needs to be taken down a notch.
Posted by geminicandIePosted by Sweeetz
Yeah, emotionally she can't handle it. Leoman, google the story of Steve McNair. I'm not saying your Libra is capable of something like that but playing with someone's emotions won't end well. Maybe you haven't told her firmly enough and you are keeping the door open in case she calms down and you can revisit the sex again.
Yeah, something is not right. He even said "I don't wanna be mean". I imagine that he is going passively-aggressively about it and not assertive enough. Killing her softly, etc...
What an awkward situation. If worse comes to worst, he can change number and even notify authorities. She may need expert to expand
Posted by Sweeetz
Yeah, emotionally she can't handle it. Leoman, google the story of Steve McNair. I'm not saying your Libra is capable of something like that but playing with someone's emotions won't end well. Maybe you haven't told her firmly enough and you are keeping the door open in case she calms down and you can revisit the sex again.
Posted by geminicandIe
I don't think he is firm enough.
I'm beating him up with Gemini words of mass destruction and he hasn't lashed out yet, lol.
Leoman, step up to the plate!
I want you to pick up the phone right now and tell her what you've told us. Keep it short and concise. Tell her that if she doesn't stop, you will have no choice but to notify the authorities.
That should calm her down and keep her away.
Posted by geminicandIePosted by theleoman
she was aware of FWB but its overbearing and its been over sorry 100 text since jan 12 and i haven't replied to any text or calls. But I made her aware of my reasons why she promised not to call or text but is still doing it. Can I tree-truck her again YES . Will I tree-trunk her again NO. was it worth it NO. has this happened before
NO.Do i want it to stop YES.
It would be easier if you just paid a Hooker for sex, don't you think?
I swear, men are dumb. But so are the women. If she gonna spread them like that, at least find someone to pay her bills and dinners and gifts. SMH!click to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
Leoman, you do sound kinda meek and mellow. I know you want the easy way out, where you just text her and she backs off. And you are not enough of a jerk to call her names, etc...
But seriously, you have 2 choices :
1.) Change your contact info and pray for her
2.) Notify authorities to have a talk with her. Although technically she isn't threatening anything crazy, but it is still harrassment because you want your peace. They will take the measure to ensure "no contact".
Posted by SweeetzPosted by theleoman
So say.. Please cease communication phone or text any further communication will be deemed criminal harassment and will be pursued in criminal court Section 102(3)is not enough?
Apparently not for her.
Question, you didn't pick up on any instability on her part during those 10 phone conversations you two had?click to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
Keep record of everything and notify authorities. Ultimately, we are not responsible for somebody else's obsessions and feelings.
Posted by Sweeetz
So Leoman, you told her to cease all contact. Did you tell her why? Did you let her know why you no longer wanted to see her? Like everyone else said it's not your fault she can't take a hint, but I'm curious if she was made aware of why you don't want to see her anymore.
Maybe she's harassing you just to teach you a lesson for dumping her. Maybe she's just toying with you? I mean if she's really this crazy then surely you picked up on that before you slept with her, no?
Posted by geminicandIe
Leoman, how was the sex? What did you do to drive her crazy? Are you THAT hot and amazing?
Lol, I kid, I kid. I'll stop harassing you now
Posted by utopianPosted by geminicandIePosted by Sweeetz
I think Utopian is being a smart alec. He's making fun of the women in this
Hahahaha, quite possibly
Most certainly not. Leo is secretly enjoying the to expand
Posted by SweeetzPosted by geminicandIe
If a girl is crazy, then she is yelling and threatening harm and what not.
Ofcourse, there is different type of crazy. I would just hope that her dignity steps in and reality takes over. No worse turn off than a man who doesn't want you:/
Yeah, that's why it seems so weird to me. I thought maybe she's just toying with him. Idk. Maybe the best thing is for him to change his contact info.
Leoman, are you afraid of this chick? Does she know where you live or any other personal info that could help her find you?click to expand
Posted by xtinaPosted by duchessedenemours
As much of an ass as he sounds to be, you can't solely blame him for the sex thing. Women should be self aware enough to know if they can handle sex without a commitment.
They need to take responsibility for their actions.. You're the one that gave it up! It was consensual so don't act like he owes you anything!click to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
Still waiting on Leoman's number....I just wanna sexually harass him
Lol, sorry, I'm trying to stoppppp.
Posted by aquarius09Posted by xtinaPosted by duchessedenemours
As much of an ass as he sounds to be, you can't solely blame him for the sex thing. Women should be self aware enough to know if they can handle sex without a commitment.
They need to take responsibility for their actions.. You're the one that gave it up! It was consensual so don't act like he owes you anything!
They are both adults. He owes her nothing especially when they were never in a relationship. She opened her legs without any sort of commitment and it was consensual. She probably was thinking that having sex was gonna get her the guy, but some women are dumb like that. Sex doesn't get a guy to fall in love with u or even stay with you. If she can't handle casual sex, then maybe she should give it up, not him. He doesn't have to turn into an abstain from having sex until ms. Right comes along. He can stick to having sex with women who truly are looking for casual sex and nothing to expand
Posted by geminicandIePosted by theleomanPosted by geminicandIe
Still waiting on Leoman's number....I just wanna sexually harass him
Lol, sorry, I'm trying to stoppppp.
Is online friends with benefits safe?
But of course, sugar pie! Welcome to dxp, just what you need in times like these, ha!click to expand
Posted by theleomanPosted by aquarius09Posted by xtinaPosted by duchessedenemours
As much of an ass as he sounds to be, you can't solely blame him for the sex thing. Women should be self aware enough to know if they can handle sex without a commitment.
They need to take responsibility for their actions.. You're the one that gave it up! It was consensual so don't act like he owes you anything!
They are both adults. He owes her nothing especially when they were never in a relationship. She opened her legs without any sort of commitment and it was consensual. She probably was thinking that having sex was gonna get her the guy, but some women are dumb like that. Sex doesn't get a guy to fall in love with u or even stay with you. If she can't handle casual sex, then maybe she should give it up, not him. He doesn't have to turn into an abstain from having sex until ms. Right comes along. He can stick to having sex with women who truly are looking for casual sex and nothing more.
...and this is my thing she feels im obligated and forced to communicate with herclick to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
A gemini+leo=never getting anything done. Bring the CRAY onslol!
And lib911, I am doing all sorts of tests on this leo meat hunk. When I'm finished with him, he's gonna wish for that Libra girl hahaha
Posted by Sweeetz
Dang Utopian. Where are you guys meeting these clingy Libras? I have never behaved this way over a guy and I have Scorp Venus. The "stalking" Venus. I don't believe I have heard of Libras clinging this hard to someone. I must be missing out on something :/
Posted by Sweeetz
Someone called 911! Lol. Hey girlie. Good to see you. I'm more of a lurker these days as well.
Posted by geminicandIe
Leoman, I am just kidding.
Well, not really. It's me. Your Libra girl
Posted by geminicandIe
Leoman, I am just kidding.
Well, not really. It's me. Your Libra girl
Posted by Sweeetz
I just realized the TheLeoMan is the reason why I landed on DXP in the first place several years ago. He had a thread answering questions about Leo men. At that time I was getting over one. The thread was very helpful. I came here thinking my Leo was crazy. Turns out he just had an Aries moon. I didn't know much about astrology at that point. 3-4 years later that Leo guy is just a fart in the wind.
This Libra chick will eventually move on TheLeoMan. In the meantime change your number and do a psych test on your women before you give them the good "D".
Posted by geminicandIe
Guys, do you think leoman is drafting his "do not contact" pm, right at this minute?
I'm getting kinda nervous :/
Posted by geminicandIe
Well, no matter how good he was in the bedroom, I wouldn't respect someone who doesn't respect me back.
I would personally be turned off, but she could have some emotional issues and be even more attached!
It's actually kind of sad.
This behavior surprises me from a libra. She probably has a venus in scorpio or something.
Posted by Sweeetz
His Libra must have Cancer moon and/or Venus. This doesn't sound like a Libra. I've heard us described as clingy but I don't know that to be true. How can we be clingy and flighty at the same time?
Posted by Sweeetz
I just realized the TheLeoMan is the reason why I landed on DXP in the first place several years ago. He had a thread answering questions about Leo men. At that time I was getting over one. The thread was very helpful. I came here thinking my Leo was crazy. Turns out he just had an Aries moon. I didn't know much about astrology at that point. 3-4 years later that Leo guy is just a fart in the wind.
This Libra chick will eventually move on TheLeoMan. In the meantime change your number and do a psych test on your women before you give them the good "D".
Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by geminicandIe
Well, no matter how good he was in the bedroom, I wouldn't respect someone who doesn't respect me back.
I would personally be turned off, but she could have some emotional issues and be even more attached!
It's actually kind of sad.
This behavior surprises me from a libra. She probably has a venus in scorpio or something.
It doesn't surprise me. I've seen it before.
And you all gotta remember, I work in a restaurant. That industry has the epitome of crazy all in one place. That's why so many of my experiences with signs are so extreme. I had a Libra chick that I worked with, insanely insecure, slept around like she was "empowered" but always woe is me because none of these guys took her seriously.
We don't know her side, but her actions are a little telling. This guy reminds me of my Leo friend who did the same shit. My friend was stringing some chick along as a fwb. She said she'd be fine, but she clearly wasn't. He went along with it, pretended to play dumb on the fact he was leading her on and knew she had a crush, but kept fucking her under the guise of fwb.
But when it came to holding accountability on his end of things, he was the victim and she was being crazy. No doubt she was, but I felt sorry for her because she was attempting fwb as a way to be with him to sate her crush, and he was just using that to his advantage to get to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
Ahhh gotta love Aries chick telling it like it is!!
ROCKY, you rock
I mean I'd go along with his story...if he didn't hit it twice. But he hit it twice, man. What was he doing in there second time around? It must have been good enough to hit it again.
But I have a feeling she was increasingly becoming demanding and wanted more time/sex/commitment and that's when he realized this is too much work for some pussy, you know? So he tried to dodge and evade, at first ignoring calls, texts and attempting to just disappear. Then the chick increasingly became crazy, needy and obsessed and then he sent "cease all contact" text and that's when she truly lost it!
Gotta love these kinda stories. They are a good lesson in human nature. Makes me kinda not want to fall in love with anybody. No fwb, nada. Just me and myself:/
Posted by ANRivas2Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by geminicandIe
Well, no matter how good he was in the bedroom, I wouldn't respect someone who doesn't respect me back.
I would personally be turned off, but she could have some emotional issues and be even more attached!
It's actually kind of sad.
This behavior surprises me from a libra. She probably has a venus in scorpio or something.
It doesn't surprise me. I've seen it before.
And you all gotta remember, I work in a restaurant. That industry has the epitome of crazy all in one place. That's why so many of my experiences with signs are so extreme. I had a Libra chick that I worked with, insanely insecure, slept around like she was "empowered" but always woe is me because none of these guys took her seriously.
We don't know her side, but her actions are a little telling. This guy reminds me of my Leo friend who did the same shit. My friend was stringing some chick along as a fwb. She said she'd be fine, but she clearly wasn't. He went along with it, pretended to play dumb on the fact he was leading her on and knew she had a crush, but kept fucking her under the guise of fwb.
But when it came to holding accountability on his end of things, he was the victim and she was being crazy. No doubt she was, but I felt sorry for her because she was attempting fwb as a way to be with him to sate her crush, and he was just using that to his advantage to get laid.
This is a perfect description of men who take advantage of women and the women who let them, although you forgot the part where they ignore good guys for guys who just want to use them and then complain that all men are to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
I think even those people who do successfully manage fwb have some inner demons. Like they do some internal defense mechanisms in order to justify it and be truly okay with it. I know this sag woman who took that route; she told me she took pleasure in breaking men's hearts and making them suffer. It turns out she was revenging against her father who abandoned her as a little girl. Now, she is happily married to a scorpio man but it took a lot of therapy to get her there...
The goal for all of us is just love.