where did he come from?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by baby76 on Saturday, April 5, 2008 and has 8 replies.
well i have worked with this guy (libra) for 11 years. we have flirted back and forth for years. he has always been in a relationship. we are friends so we have talked about our other relationships as far as yes or no we are invovled with someone else. last year he broke up with his girlfriend. nothing else was said about that. i told him that i was "involved with someone. nothing else was said about that either. so low and behold out of the blue he calls me! i haven't heard from him in months. first question out of his mouth was are you still with that guy? i did tell him yes.then he invited me to come to kentucky with him while he is on military leave for a few days in july.then he said that i would be his first choice for a serious relationship. what the hell? why would he come out of left field like that? he knows im "involved" with someone else.
He is damaged goods. Be cautious.
yeah i'm watching and listening he left a message today and said he would be back tomorrow night and he would like to see me. i didn't respond.
u must talk with aquabrat. she has been chasing a libra for over 8 years who is her best friend.
Yeah that's the spirit, wait 8 years LOL
the whole thing is now i don't want him like i used to. if you snooze you lose. i still like him as a friend but when i wanted him he basically didn't want me so.... oh well. i was just wondering where this sudden interest in me came from. but don't have time for his nonsense my other libra is driving me crazy right now.
Maybe you shoud stenly repeat to him. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND, WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T U GET?