Why are Libras such flirts?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by qasate4 on Saturday, November 23, 2013 and has 22 replies.
Is it the needed attention or just insecurities?
Some people are just born this way. When it's just who you are, there's no intention or purpose behind you b/c it's just who you are.
Of course they learn extra flirting skills along the way in life, but if they're in a committed relationship with you, respect your boundaries & know themselves when to stop, you won't have to worry about this too much.
Some people are naturally shy or naturally overly-talkative. No, it's not for attention or b/c they are insecure. It's just how they are
I'm sure there are some attention-seeking, insecure Libras out there somewhere, but I think it's unfair to label the "flirt" personality trait in a way that suggests that anyone naturally like that must have some inner issues. That's unfair.
I definitely don't see Libras as flirts. Likeable? Sure. Popular? Yes. But I don't usually see them give special treatment to others all that often. I consider them more selective with who they romantically pursue, anyway.
Posted by qasate4
Is it the needed attention or just insecurities?

They just like people.
and if they're dashing and smooth enough, why not woo the crowd?

The difference between a lonely Libra and one entertaining company is HUGE. They come alive.
I advise Libras get plenty of social time. They get too gloomy without it.
Mi madre :]
^everything said here. And by non-libras at that! lol
Why? Because we can...
Aw. None of the above!
I love how flirtatious they are. It's often harmless, I see nothing insecure or attention seeking about it. I don't even think the majority of it is actually flirtation, just their tone of voice in the way they say things. A libra coworker I had could have said the most innocent thing and it sounded dirty just because of the giggle she added in at the end. She even got me rowdy after a while, and that was just fun. Excellent wing[wo]man. If you see a gloomy libra, flirt with them a little or pass an innuendo in a friendly/humorous way. You'll see them perk up.
I think it's adorableness, that's what I think it is.
As a Libra, I don't even notice if I'm flirting with somebody, but I have been told that I do. I think Libra's are this way because they love to please others, but I think we should also take into consideration the feelings for others, and that we may be leading some people on! But what also may come across as flirting, may also just be a Libra being their kind self smile
I can pretty much agree with everyone here. I have libra ascendent, mercury and venus..I can come across as flirty but I just enjoy being friendly and smiley to people and have a hard time acting any other way. I also give random people compliments all the time..but more to women because I dont want men to think I'm hitting on them..
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by Sugarfoot

I hand out a lot of compliments, that could be misconstrued as flirting. However, I give them to men, women, boys and girls alike.

Same, I give compliments when due & no matter the receiver's age/gender.
Well-adjusted individuals wouldn't read some generic compliment as their cue to hit on me. No, I don't mean "cool jacket" as in "I want to rip it off and lick your hawt bod"
click to expand

Fixed so that it goes along with how people apparently interpret this. Tongue Anyway, this is ridiculous; apparently, I know a lot of Libras, and I've never actually seen them flirt. Ever. If that's what it looks like to others, all I see is a person joking around. But the ones whose eyes are sparkling are either really focused on their conversation or extremely happy with what is being said. And this can be for really stupid things, as if I or others were saying, "This is all that has to be done, so afterwards, you can sit on your ass and do whatever until your shift is over and yes, you're getting paid to be lazy".Laughing As with everything, a lot has to be considered prior to thinking they are flirting such as past behavior and context, otherwise, the people misinterpreting their behavior are probably being egotistical.
Libras flirt, but to them it's just harmless talking, until you explain which part was the flirting
In general flirting is a libras second nature, it's who they are, as long as its not disrespectful, no harm done
No offense but most libras I've encountered are flirty. I believe everyone here can decipher the difference. It's cute until they have a lover and continue to flirt with people they find attractive in hopes they can keep them as an ego boost. I know a few libras but I can't say all. Just FAM n friends I know. They are generally decent people though but the libras I know are extremely manipulative and good at convincing that nothing is happening when it truly is. Maybe they believe their own manipulation but I don't get it. Also, I've read enough posts about different signs and libras seem to love saying they wrote the book on manipulation. That's actually really terrible. But to each their own.
Because they're attention whores.
Libras are attention hoes and flirty
I've noticed recently via social media that the ones posting the most selfies, the most attention seeking statuses are Libras and Gems. ..at least on my feeds.
I've actually taken some of them off my Instagram or blocked them on the FB news feeds because I just could not stand seeing a bombardment of that shit anymore, haha.
HOW MANY PICS OF YOUR FACE DO I NEED TO SEE DAILY? Zero to one would be adequate. ...on a weekly basis. kthx.
I swear I freaking love ya, lmfao
we flirt cuz we like to flirt!
it's a game!
it keeps us sane! and entertained
don't hate the player , hate the game ...
I love attention
you can call me an attention whore ( i'm a man... )
Posted by rockyroadicecream
I've noticed recently via social media that the ones posting the most selfies, the most attention seeking statuses are Libras and Gems. ..at least on my feeds.
I've actually taken some of them off my Instagram or blocked them on the FB news feeds because I just could not stand seeing a bombardment of that shit anymore, haha.
HOW MANY PICS OF YOUR FACE DO I NEED TO SEE DAILY? Zero to one would be adequate. ...on a weekly basis. kthx.

AHHAAHAHAAAH ! wtf ! it's a lie !!
i'm a libra and I dont do that ..
Posted by rockyroadicecream
I've noticed recently via social media that the ones posting the most selfies, the most attention seeking statuses are Libras and Gems. ..at least on my feeds.
I've actually taken some of them off my Instagram or blocked them on the FB news feeds because I just could not stand seeing a bombardment of that shit anymore, haha.
HOW MANY PICS OF YOUR FACE DO I NEED TO SEE DAILY? Zero to one would be adequate. ...on a weekly basis. kthx.

Rocky why are you a magnet for fucked up leebs? I know a lot of leebs from family and friends and none of them act like this. This is funny! You're a magnet for leeb rejects. I wonder why.
@OP Define flirting? Seems to me like most people just misconstrue politeness and niceness as flirting. Even an innocent smile, paying attention to someone while they talk, listening intently or looking at someone's eyes while they talk seems like flirting for some people.
Libras have this flirtatious ways, gestures, mannerism in communicating with others even if they don't actually flirt! It is something spontaneous.
I caught myself doing it so many times but there is nothing sexual about it, just light charming gesture or a smile.
Not one Libra woman that I know (including myself) are attention whores. There is plenty of attention around either we like it or not. Most Libra women that I know are beautiful women, feminine in their mannerism, fun and pleasant to be around...no wonder they attract people.
This question comes up all the time and while I honestly think I like our resident tiny hero's first answer best, I had a thought. I read the title to this thread and all the same normal thoughts, I'm not a flirt, I'm just friendly. Yada Yada Yada.
I figured it out. It all in the origin of the word (according to me). Flirt is the combination of friendly and pervert. I can't argue there. So maybe it's just in my genes... jeans? Genes?
Big Grin

you can call me an attention wh0r3 ( i'm a man... )

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