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Posted by maz777Posted by aquarius09Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by soultalkPosted by maz777Posted by soultalkPosted by maz777
I don't mean to sound paranoid or vain, but I feel like Libras are prone to collecting stalkers and I am not sure if we are to blame ourselves for it. The creepiest type is the one you know will most likely kill you (or try) if you sleep with them in hopes she/he will leave you alone. The one that I dislike the most is the one that spreads rumors in hopes that no one else will date you, which is just a stupid tatic to expect to work against a Libra. If anyone knows what I am talking about please give me some insight.
^^ you sound creepy there IMO. lol
I was stating a fact. Anyone else on here would know that is true, although the logic of sleeping with one is misguided.
That is the part that I was calling creepy.
This. What kind of dipshit asshole are you that you think that sleeping with someone will get them to leave you alone?? Fuck, no wonder you have an issue with stalkers. Quit being stupid and maybe you wouldn't have to worry about them?
If this is how you happen to handle things, you're one of those dickheads that pegs the girl for being "crazy," "stalker," or "obsessed" when you turn around and feed them behaviors that lead to these impressions.
"LOL THIS BITCH IS OBSESSED WITH ME!!" (what he isn't telling you is that he treats her like a girlfriend but won't settle down and claims she's crazy when she's been led on emotionally by a selfish twat).
"Oh no, she's stalking me. She won't take no for an answer." (what he isn't telling you is that he sleeps with her, hoping it will MAKE HER GO AWAY.)
Smh. People are insane.
^THIS!!! Exactly my sentiments on libra unevolved douches
That's not fair; everyone is unevolved compared to you. We are human too you know...just putting that out there. Also, Libra are among the higclick to expand
.you're gonna cause a ruckus.
Posted by anonymousheartPosted by lisabethur8Posted by anonymousheart
AHAHAHHA. This is why I was keeping our relationship PRIVATE, bc for some reason when you put it out there all the triflin girls come forward. Seriously two seconds later I see some random from PR writing on his wall "hey cutie" hahaha...weaksauce. Can't wait to see how he tries to skimmy out of that response while still being the nice guy. This should be interesting...
so funny. What sun/moon venus/mars is your man again?
your man sounds like a lady killer, magnetizes everyone and every woman who is single, comes running.
anyway, it's ironic you say that....i'm just learning this myself.
actually, that girl is "in a relationship" so she's just a hoebag!click to expand
Lol i just saw that looking back. *g*
Posted by anonymousheart
I chuckle thinking how many hearts the picture posted of us kissing will break....
Posted by MintSprinkles
Pisces men = emotionally messy = ewww!
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