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Aug 15, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 280 · Topics: 18
... for a living? Profesion wise?
Since we are so artistic and thrive to be in the artistic world I want to see how many of us are doing what they love.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Yeah, it's fun, but it can maybe be confusing for the poster to have so many usernames. They have to keep it all going. It seems like a lot of work. Well, too each is own...
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
OOOPS! I missed this!
Maybe your presentation style shows insecurity in your own realness?
*gasps* My goodness Prime, you are an Aquarius, only scorpios go that deep ...
Well, I never really thought of it that way until I read your post. Maybe thats the problem? But I'm a naturally vulnerable person. I try to hide, but how do I stop it from being detected by one of those "vultures" as I put it?
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Mar 23, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 144 · Topics: 20
Capricorn Deep Inside:
Capricorns have this sense of melancholy and necessity for structure and work because inside they feel they are unworthy and need to continuously prove their worth. Once they realize that all they need is self-love, door will open and they will see the world in a new light, one that allows for pleasure and guilt-free fun. Capricorns most important need is security, financial and material security. This is the driving force behind their ambitious character and all other personality traits of desire to succeed. They are very concerned with their public standing and their prestige. Capricorns are loners but they also need to feel appreciated, but they are excellent at hiding this truth. Capricorns are very self contained and they have many faces they present to the world, they are known as aloof and indifferent but this is them concealing themselves from the world, unfortunately, they may never know who they really are. This causes feelings of insecurity and causes them to question their own self worth. Capricorns make it difficult to get close emotionally because once they let someone in, they do not want to let them go and emotional connection makes them feel vulnerable yet satisfied at he same time. This is an ongoing internal conflict of contradictions inside the Capricorn's mind.
What it's Like to Date a Capricorn Man:
The Capricorn man is very physical and passionate, but not emotional (on the outside). Deep inside he yearns for love but this takes a long time to become reality, he is very reluctant to place trust in another person. Show him how much you admire him and earn trust gradually over time. He is very faithful, probably the most faithful of all zodiac signs. Underneath his secretive mysterious nature is a romantic streak with a strong sensual side, this side is completely hidden and once unlocked, you'll be amazed at the transformation this man has undergone! Patience and trust is key with a Capricorn man, he has so much to offer the right woman who will wait for him.