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Mar 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 390 · Topics: 13
Ahhh dont those first kisses feel awesome? Especially when its magical like that and you werent expecting it?
I am Scorp lady and dated a Pisces guy...I guess be careful about your feelings because once Scorps decide, they stick to it and it seems Pisces can be a tad indecisive sometimes and that will piss him off and feel to him like you're playing games. If you take it slow I'm 100% sure he'll love it. Show you're interested but test the waters without jumping too much ahead.
All I can say is that Scorps hate games and hate things to change. We're not mutable like you guys! But yes we have amazing staying power and passion, and feel things very deeply too.
Hope that helps.
Is any other scorps having a bad year or is it just me?
This has been an awful year for me
Does Tupac Shakur have Leo Rising?
Im near certain he does.... can anyone confirm this?
Are you a true leo if you have Leo Rising or Leo Sun?
I think your more of a lion if you have leo rising because leo rising is the chart ruler, leo sun isnt
Is their a list of leo rising celebs anywhere? Thank you!
Does Tupac Shakur have leo rising? Im near certain he does, can anyone confirm this?
Are all leo rising people skinny?
"I still am who I am on the inside, I'm still playful and I still like to chase him. We usually get some aggression out by having a good wrestle around the house. I mean I'm just ready to share my bed "for the whole night". I'm ready to hold hands in public, share a soda, eat off of eachothers plate, spend a weekend at a cabin together, go grocerie shopping together."
Go with your hart but please be carefull with the cap guys. Cause he will wrestle you but not for the fun of it, but for the idea of winning. He will hold your hand in public but only util he forgets to do it, you'll share a soda but he will drink first, you will share a plate but he will eat from your side of the plate, just because he likes to pick up the good stuff first, you will spend an weekend at a cabin but he would secretly long for friends and noisy company, you'll do shopping together, but in time you'll do the shopping alone... Don't take my word for it, but from my experience earthy cold cap men don't match spirited, lovable aries girls. They only suck your power and energy. And in the end, you won't be you on the inside.
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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
who cares! the SOB is dead, let him stay that way........
unfortunately he was an aries from apr20
i personally know 4 yes 4 guys that are from apr 20 two of them are from 1977, next one is form 1978 and the last one not sure maybe 1975
let me tell you the one from 77 and 78 specially are the weird fuckheads i know! HANDS DOWN!
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Harold Lloyd was also apr 20.
An old idea says guys born on first or last days of signs are a combination.
I don't know if it is true.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Summer, I feel he is taking you for granted. You can be nice and it is nothing wrong with being nice to him. Just don't overdo it with showing him your nice acts of kindness. Your Cancer man understands you want appreciation, there is no doubt in his mind but sometimes you have to put yourself first in the relationship. You are good to him but he is taking you for granted and sometimes being to nice is just not going to do it. When you do nice things for him, in a sense it is striking off as being controlling and insecure because you are looking for a certain outcome from him in regards to rekindling your relationship.
If you don't want to leave him, just do more things that focus on you! In the process of doing things you enjoy for yourself, you will find your priorities out way his constant need of being dependant upon you.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I don't know, I am not driven by words. I guess what I am trying to say is you have to show me with your actions. I believe a man can tell you anything you want to hear.