I have never known anyone to breakdown the Pisces relationship dynamic as accurately as you. Even with all the tons of astrology books I've read and believe me I have everyone under the sun & moon lol. But on the real, I applaud you, I wish I could hug you because so often, it's hard for us Pisces to breakdown & put into words why we do what we do and you did it with wisdom & true understanding of our nature. I'm going through everything you wrote with my Scorpio man. He can not understand why I just want to end it all with out a fight or struggle to make the relationship work. I am extremely in love with him but I be damn if I will be his fool or put up with the crap that he's put me through! I will not compromise my values, morals and beliefs for anyone & I've told him time and time that I can't and will not attempt to change him, I'd rather just swim away than constantly be subjected to emotional anguish time & time again. The thing with Scorpios is that they tend to relish in emotional anguish, they seem to get strength & power from it, where as us Pisces literally become sick from it. I know love is not perfect but I also know that it definitely shouldn't make you feel sad, disappointed and depressed. I'm done with feeling that way, I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than to feel like that in a relationship and that is the difference between Pisces & Scorps.
Scorps will be in a bad relationship for years and then become bitter because they wasted all their time and energy when they should've just left. And it's not that Pisces are not loyal we just want the ultimate in a relationship. I call it the 4 dimensional relationship: Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. This is not easy to find but if we are evolved enough, we'll wait a lifetime for this. I always think that Pisces are on a whole other level than all the other signs, the other signs have to be really evolved to understand us but even then , it's still not easy. Linda Goodman is my favorite astrologer & in her book "Love Signs" she says that Pisces is the strongest out of all the signs. Her reason being is that humility is always stronger than ego in the long run & I agree especially in the case of the Pisces & Scorpio relationship. My best friend, my mom & alot of my cousins are Scorpios & their ego always gets in the way of them succeeding in life the way they should. It's a shame how much ego can destroy but it's true....
Signed Up:
Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 215 · Topics: 15
I shop at
and anything else google.com can bring out that has the word "discount" on it. Usually my shoes and bags and expensive but you can find expensive items that are discounted. I'm a smart shopper =D
Signed Up:
Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 215 · Topics: 15
I don't like anyone telling me what to do. Especially when I am reminded of something constantly. I'm not an idiot. If you're going to ask me to do something, talk to me with some respect, otherwise I'll snap.
Signed Up:
Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 215 · Topics: 15
Oh, and I don't like my feet touched so it's not true for me about the feet thing.
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Jul 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 815 · Topics: 61
Tonight I discovered a louse in my pubic area, I've been itching and scratching for the past two weeks in my pubic area quite severe the itching/rash spreading to my legs also, all along I thought it was an allergic reaction to either soap or detergent although I admit that I had a suspicion that I might have an std my suspicion factualized tonight - pulled out some pubic hair and discovered a crab. I've been pulling out my pubic hairs this week or so and therez these freaking eggs on the hairs. I'm going to Emory hospital next week earliest monday, I've been promiscuous these past couple of months.
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Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 215 · Topics: 15
Who has more ego, Leos or Scorpios?
Also, I would like to know directly from the Scorpios...
What makes your eyes so intense? It's almost intrusive. I don't know maybe it's just me but I've always wondered that.
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Apr 29, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 215 · Topics: 15
I rub my ankles together.
Anyone else do this?
I think I'm about to turn into a mermaid.
Actually, it's a superstitious thing. I rub them together for good luck. lmao
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Jul 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 815 · Topics: 61
I was using condoms so they hopped from one crotch to the other?
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I was wondering how you guys process pain on all levels?
Physical pain: I become very silent and tolerant
Emotional pain: I try to keep busy and not let it catch up with me.
Lots of emotional pain right now. Heart wreching. Writing about it helps...
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
AWFUL year for me too. Roxi sorry to hear about the cancer, but glad you are recovering. As far as the divorce, yeah, me too, can't wait until it is over!!!! We should celebrate!!!