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Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowSo true, I hope you manage to solve what hurt youPosted by GemalitNah that's all good. With my first bf, it took us a long time to get close because I was a minor so most we might say hello and talk to him in a group and I would go away.Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by GemalitOh then yeah...slow and steady.Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowI can’t do that! I need to take it slow 😂. I see him nearly every day because we’re in the same occupation, it would be so awkward if it didn’t work out....slow and steady wins the race 😅
Op date him. Text him something cute 😍
I hardly date but when I'm interested in someone, I want the guy to be all over me and to tell me he likes me already 😂
Otherwise I get so annoyed and I would rage 😁
I should take dating tips from you.
There’s nothing wrong with that, sometimes I wish I could just go straight ahead without over thinking everything but if I do I start to panick aha
Second bf also took months. Last time I rushed and I was told not to rush but I didn't listen. Now I don't even want to date. I kinda got hurt somewhere.
It's good you do things your way instead of changing because everyone else are doing it differently 😁click to expand
Posted by stillstillwaterPosted by lisabethur8Exactly...I feel the same way. For example you can meet someone and think that its love based on your upbringing or other people's expectations so you might settle and then out of no where you meet this person who makes you feel like nothing else/no one else can make you feel; that is very rare.Posted by stillstillwaterlmao
Mostly I'm turned off right away if a guy is taken.
But knowing life is all types of complicated etc, if I liked/loved him I'd say yes. Come home, baby!
Libra Moon
Aqua Venus
Sag Mars
u are honest.
i think i would be like Julia Roberts....
if i have a deep connection with the man and he is unhappy.....
let me love u and care for u baby.![]()
LOL pluto is strong in me xd
you know i dont know really...but life can be complicated.
(i haven't gone through it ...lol but i'm just not self righteous about it) i know how ...RARE deep connections are..
I think i've asked quite a few people if they've ever been in love and most of them say they're not sure. That means they haven't or else they would've known. So imagine going through life never experiencing the feeling of being in love.
Plus if that person has already strayed from their relationship just by wanting to be with you it's clear that that relationship will not have the best of this person. I suppose some people are okay being with partners that have settled for them but that's sad because there is someone out there that would be their deep connection too.
If they stay in that relationship just everybody loses.
But if they truly think that there's something special with you and they leave their partner to be with you because now they've realized what that deep connection feels like... then my loves that's just life! We don't know what we don't know. And when we do find out then we have to roll with it... this crazy roller coaster called life.
Reminds me of this spanish song: no hay que llorar, que la vida es un carnaval
Plus love is so powerful and life changing... why would you give that up for "righteousness" and pragmatism. Obviously you don't want to be immoral but leaving a relationship for another person is hardly immoral. They'll have to get over it and move on.click to expand
Posted by LaMadrinaYay!Posted by nikkistarLOL. You won Mami.Posted by LaMadrinaI can Amazon prime you, same day delivery some? lolPosted by nikkistarNot enough tequila to erase my memory Chica. Besides, we ran out last night.Posted by LaMadrinaHard liquor? lolPosted by nikkistarIt's okay. I take it as a sign that it was time to stop... For a long while.Posted by LaMadrinaI am sorry, lovePosted by nikkistarI was drinking a beer. Keyword WAS.Posted by TheRabbitAt least you aren't eating anything fermented as well.
Literally I can't even look at this sour dough bread.
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Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowYeah same place 😅. So I’m snailing it hahaPosted by GemalitAwww same occupation and same work place?Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowI get the same vibe from scorpios....it’s frustrating because they do actually chase hahaPosted by GemalitYes totally wrong 😂😂😂Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowI read it when I first started to look up Gemini and Scorpio comparability...obviously was wrong haha, and ah, I understand. Maybe one day it’ll come out of the blue? But good luck in hitch ever route it goesPosted by GemalitAfter. I was in a steady relationship so he knew there can't be anything between us. Also my friends like him a lot. I can't imagine being anything more than great friends with me.Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowDid he do that before he met you or after? And yes I “dated” one. He was a huge mistake but my best friend is a Scorpio and he’s awesome, a big goofball as well. But he still maintains the Scorpio broodiness aha. And they say scorpios are our soul mates... I’d say they’re there for us to learn from, we’re the same but so different at the same time.Posted by GemalitGood to see you back, I have seen your posts here and there 😊Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by GemalitPosted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by GemalitWhy worry if he doesn't like you back? Like you said you can be fickle 😁
How do you know if an Aries guy is into You?
I’m still undecided about this guy but we message each other every day, (he messages me first most days). I posted on social media about someone hitting on me (I made it a joke) and he responded to that. For almost a year now he messaged me every now and then but I’d hardly ever reply as I didn’t really see him as a potential romantic partner but suddenly my interest was struck, just happened out of the blue and I know I’m crushing on him, but as a Gemini I developed crushes rather easily and I’m sick of “leading” guys on so I’m being cautious. He’s also complimented me quite a few times and scolded me when I brushed them off.
With my nature being fickle I’m scared of actually really liking the guy and him not returning the feelings as it doesn’t happen often.
I think he likes you. If you reciprocate you will know for sure. All I know is they love to chase, they go all out to impress. So romantic and very affectionate. My Aries bestie used to drive 300km(600km) every weekend just to have a cup of coffee with me. And he loves driving so maybe that's why😂
Aries guy and Gem girl is one of the most romantic pairings ever. From what I have seen, if they make it long term they tend to stay in love forever and are cute around each other😍
True haha, I think I’m worried because I’ve have unrequited “love” once before and it took me two years to fully get over... I’m an idiot when I really like someone, and this feeling I’m getting is rather similar to my first one so panick mode is on haha. I’m just being cautious as I’ve screwed up a lot this year where guys are concerned.
I am a romantic at heart and he is very cute (inside and out). Don’t think he’d drive that far though 😂.
Awww...It's okay to take time to heal rather than jump into something new and I get it why you are being cautious.
Why don't you give him subtle hints that you would like to date him? Take it slow but good luck taking things slowly with an Aries guy... From what I have seen they commit easily to Gem girls.
You would be surprised what they would do when they love someone. I never dated my bestie. We are friends but he tried to be more. He's amazing... Had he played me he could have had me and he knew all the rules but he never did.
Just go with the flow. And be yourself. He might love you for who you are than any other sign. And they won't keep you guessing and weirdly you will love it like that!
Hmmm I’m seeing a potential romance in the future hehe, and yes fellow gem! Lovely to meet you 😁 you should maybe try to romance your Aries bestie because I’m sensing an interest on your part, as for the first one he was a Capricorn and one big goofball which I loved, but it wasn’t meant to be. I’m worried about how fast Aries moves tbh, that’s why I feel like we’re at a stale mate atm. I was just worried I was reading to much into it.
As for scorpios they are intense but...boring. They want sex and I want to chat all night long, they’ll give you sweet words and then the next second be all over you. Ugh
Nah, no romance. He has slept with my friwnds and I won't look past that. And I don't know how to take it from platonic to a sexually intense relationship. Also I don't want to lose him. I value him more than a relationship.
Well they love to chase and fast is what they understand! My cousin's husband is an Aries and he moved ultra fast with her it was some sight see. They have a solid marriage!
Aries guys do so much to catch a girls attention I doubt any other sign could match them in being so passionate... There aren't many here on Dxp tho, they all must be out there living it wild!
So you have dated Scorps. I wish I can say I find them boring but I don't. I have learned a lot from them and I do think highly of most of them and the women too. Pretty much adore most of the scorp women on this site.
Awww... Scorps tend to be our mistakes lmao
It's good we all know now we shouldn't have. I wish someone would tell everyone gem girl as soon as she's born to stay away from Scorp guy. As if that would have worked 😂 I feel among water signs our best bet is Pisces.
Where did you read that? I don't think they are our soul mates. They don't understand us even a bit. They are made for Taurus girls.
And yes Scorps are great as friends. I can see my self being good friends with them and the allure i felt for the ones I dated is gone. Now I'm meh about them..
The sign should say, “Gemini’s beware of the scorpion male” 😂 they’re like fire...pretty but you know you shouldn’t touch aha
They are kinda pretty tho and yeah don't touch lol
And you know they aren't crazy about geminis. And that's what helped me understand that they just want us either because we are popular and other guys chase us and they want what others want, not because they desire us and the other bit could be they want to tame us. Idk. That's how I feel.
So have you and this Aries guy meet before? And how old are you guys?
And yeah we’re in the same occupation, both early twenties and well we’ve only just recently started to talk properly. Before We talked a little, and I even liked him at one point but I got side tracked by other things (sounds awful).
Then yeah take things veryyyyyy slow 😁
It's okay. Happens I think? Now you guys will know if you feel strongly for each other or not. I think most couples get attracted and if it doesn't work out they forget within a month. Or two. But if there is anything like a strong connection you will feel it over a period of time. You keep thinking about this person again and again... That's a big clue about the potential you have with them.click to expand
Posted by TheRabbitAh shit. You know how to hypotenuse my language.Posted by nikkistarCosinePosted by LaMadrinaHard liquor? lolPosted by nikkistarIt's okay. I take it as a sign that it was time to stop... For a long while.Posted by LaMadrinaI am sorry, lovePosted by nikkistarI was drinking a beer. Keyword WAS.Posted by TheRabbitAt least you aren't eating anything fermented as well.
Literally I can't even look at this sour dough bread.
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Posted by saggurl88Posted by peachy06Yes. He has a lot of people that care about him here and like interacting with him.Posted by saggurl88Oh, I see. Well I'm glad to heart that, because he's my fav aquarius herePosted by peachy06Nothing. Just me panicking and being overdramatic again!
Again !? 😦
What happened, what did I miss ?![]()
He’s already back- at least for now!![]()
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Posted by LDM90because we can
Just saw this post on Instagram (peep the link below) and started cracking up. My ex of years ago broke up with me and then started stalking my social media so I figured it was just his character, but may be it's not? So, bulls...when you no longer want your ex why do you still stalk them? Or maybe the post is just dead wrong haha.
This happened with my ex years ago. I'm not asking for myself. I thought the post was funny and was curious about the validity of it.
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