Posted by halalbaePosted by dreamer18Just because they said they were busy while they werent? Lol I guess by your reasoning all the signs are masters at lying because literally everyone in the world has told that liePosted by six4sixPosted by Lala1393+3 on all of this. Anyone can lie but gem gems do it the most
Scorpios HATE dishonesty. Mostly because we are insulted that you would even bother to insult our intelligence by bothering to lie even though you KNOW we are well aware you're lying to us.
It's more of an ego thing.
But I destroyed my lying Aqua ex. I don't regret it.
Gemini are masters at lying
Lmao I cant with people on this siteclick to expand
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Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by JuneGeminiGirlAww that's harsh and cowardly. I will never understand people who ghost on others. But then the best way to understand them is to see that they are the ones who would run away when the going gets tough and can't stand their ground and be there for at least their own rights and get what they want. Forget about others and others needs and wishes. These guys will run from their wishes too. Seen those types here and there.Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowAs you have read I met a Scorpio that I to this day adore but I have no idea why he no longer communicates with me, I did nothing wrong to him and if I did he could have told me but won’t so I am over it. I would never slap that pretty face no matter what!Posted by JuneGeminiGirlI do avoid them a lot but there are wayyy too many of them and they chase too 😭😭😭Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowHey Beautiful....yes stay away from the Scorpios, they truly bring out the worst in us Geminis.😖
God, I wanna fall in love with a wild adventurous guy. A great guy who won't try to tame me but take me on his crazy rides... Let him be a sexy Aries. Or even a brutish Sag. Maybe a fucked up Leo or an eccentric Aqua. But ffs don't let him be a Scorpio.
And I do end up liking one here and there. But I won't. After this if I ever say I met a Scorp it talking to one, you all have a free pass to slap me real hard and I should feel it for weeks 😭😭
And you are right. My worst is with them, I have been awful around them than any other sign and even if they let it go and forgive, I still end up being mean. Took me a while to realize this behavior of mine 😐😐😐
How are you, bub?
Did you ever reply to his message? I have had Scorps be crazy about me. First bf, relationship got toxic when he wanted to dictate every part of my life and his mom thought I was driving him mental. And second Scorp, I kinda pushed it far with him and made him lose his temper. It's kinda 50/50 😐 He kinda likes me even now but I got over him immediately!
I wonder when I will meet my Aries!
All these gem girl and Aries guy thread😍
Awww you the cutest 😘click to expand
Posted by AneemA04
Okay enough about this story..
Thank you all listeners and commentators @HeavyEntertainmentShow @jok4212 @stillstillwater @MyStarsShine @SuninLibra @kitten_ @Nevamore and the my beloved guest stars @nikkistar and @LadyNeptune![]()
ima go to bed now. Sweet dreams!
I'll try to keep things private from now on.![]()
Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowNo, you were not stupid....Scorpios are like magic magnets they pull you in and mesmerize you😲Posted by JuneGeminiGirlBabe I meant i missed out on dating ither signs! You know after I broke up with my recent scorp ex, I told myself I will never talk to a Scorp guy. And guess the sign of the guy I was taking to? 😐😐😐😐😐😐Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowSweetheart you have not missed a thing because if it was meant to would be. I find them boring because there is no spontaneity and the silence creeps me out.Posted by JuneGeminiGirlThey are boring??! Tbh, I have dated scorp, a Taurus and a cap(4 dates)...Posted by GemalitI agree, they are romantically boring and I don’t like the secretive, mystery type. I live out loud 😎Posted by MyStarsShineRomantically I find scorpios boring because all they want is sex and deep, depressing talks, they bring the bad out in me. But friendship whise they’re crazy and so much fun.Posted by GemalitHaha Miss...I've five planets in Scorp and have never been seen as boring.....😲Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by GemalitPosted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by Gemalit
How do you know if an Aries guy is into You?
I’m still undecided about this guy but we message each other every day, (he messages me first most days). I posted on social media about someone hitting on me (I made it a joke) and he responded to that. For almost a year now he messaged me every now and then but I’d hardly ever reply as I didn’t really see him as a potential romantic partner but suddenly my interest was struck, just happened out of the blue and I know I’m crushing on him, but as a Gemini I developed crushes rather easily and I’m sick of “leading” guys on so I’m being cautious. He’s also complimented me quite a few times and scolded me when I brushed them off.
With my nature being fickle I’m scared of actually really liking the guy and him not returning the feelings as it doesn’t happen often.
Why worry if he doesn't like you back? Like you said you can be fickle 😁
I think he likes you. If you reciprocate you will know for sure. All I know is they love to chase, they go all out to impress. So romantic and very affectionate. My Aries bestie used to drive 300km(600km) every weekend just to have a cup of coffee with me. And he loves driving so maybe that's why😂
Aries guy and Gem girl is one of the most romantic pairings ever. From what I have seen, if they make it long term they tend to stay in love forever and are cute around each other😍
True haha, I think I’m worried because I’ve have unrequited “love” once before and it took me two years to fully get over... I’m an idiot when I really like someone, and this feeling I’m getting is rather similar to my first one so panick mode is on haha. I’m just being cautious as I’ve screwed up a lot this year where guys are concerned.
I am a romantic at heart and he is very cute (inside and out). Don’t think he’d drive that far though 😂.
Awww...It's okay to take time to heal rather than jump into something new and I get it why you are being cautious.
Why don't you give him subtle hints that you would like to date him? Take it slow but good luck taking things slowly with an Aries guy... From what I have seen they commit easily to Gem girls.
You would be surprised what they would do when they love someone. I never dated my bestie. We are friends but he tried to be more. He's amazing... Had he played me he could have had me and he knew all the rules but he never did.
Just go with the flow. And be yourself. He might love you for who you are than any other sign. And they won't keep you guessing and weirdly you will love it like that!
Hmmm I’m seeing a potential romance in the future hehe, and yes fellow gem! Lovely to meet you 😁 you should maybe try to romance your Aries bestie because I’m sensing an interest on your part, as for the first one he was a Capricorn and one big goofball which I loved, but it wasn’t meant to be. I’m worried about how fast Aries moves tbh, that’s why I feel like we’re at a stale mate atm. I was just worried I was reading to much into it.
As for scorpios they are intense but...boring. They want sex and I want to chat all night long, they’ll give you sweet words and then the next second be all over you. Ugh
I never thought Scorps to be a romantically boring sign. My ex was super romantic and so many of my GFS said they want to be loved like that...
What did I miss now?![]()
It was very random convos still idk. I was to expand
Posted by Ram416Posted by PhoenixRisingDammit I just saw this after posting lolPosted by AfternoonDelights22
1. Who will win the following World Cup Quarterfinal match?
A. Uruguay Wins
3. Who will win the following MLB Baseball game?
A. Texas Rangers (P: Bartolo Colon)click to expand
Posted by DMVThanks for the advice! 💛
Cap venus takes our time but I would.never not speak to the object of my affection for 3.5 weeks.
Cap venus is cardinal and we will push the friendship forward to a relationship if we have everything else in order ( money, job) and see potential in you.
My advice is still the same.
He is in his own world right now.
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