Why would a Taurus start ignoring you?

Posted by RhiannonB

I feel like we Taureans are petty af sometimes, but maybe it’s just me?

You may have hurt her feelings in some way. That’s whaf I tend to do. Did you keep in contact with her while you were on vacation?
That’s what I’m scrambling to figure out.. I just can’t remember ever doing anything to hurt her. If I did I’d hope she would tell me so I could apologize to her, during my vacation I did contact her a lot. When I came back I came and seen her too, I brought her a tea and she seemed generally happy to see me. I asked her if we were still good on plans for that weekend and she said yes.

So timeline here I went on vacation from June 15th-18, came back everything was good but I didn’t see her a lot. Her brother came 25th of June until July 4th, she was pretty busy with him so we didn’t talk much, I’d message her here and there but that was it. I came to her area of work on Thursday, she seemed really off then.. like I got the vibe she didn’t want me around but then she started fighting with her ex husband about her child so I was immediately there for her and gave any insight I had on the situation, she reacts before thinking so she likes someone else’s opinion before she blows up kinda thing. So it felt fine then.. the morning that she sent me a message she said ‘I still wake up early when riya isn’t here’ and that was it, she never spoke to me after that and has ignored any attempt of contact since.