Posted by Taurus_mnWhat is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesI’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letterPosted by Taurus_mnPersonally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesI agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?Posted by Taurus_mnHmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesI guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night toPosted by Taurus_mnBecause when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesThe day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.
Save yourself some heartache and move on.
Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you
Good Luck
Libra = options.
It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?
You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in to expand