Posted by GemitatiFuck you SIDE CHICK....LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Posted by JuneGeminiGirlYep! You dwelling on fucking HUG!Posted by GemitatiAND YOU BEEN COMING FOR ME....GIRL PLEASE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Several months ago I’ve posted that I had stumbled upon his wife FB where in every picture she was hanging over him and he was just hands down staring in the camera...
I never told him about it. We don’t have social media and this visual made me sick and sad because as I’ve explained before I rather die him to be happy even if I am not involved than unhappy because of him being involved with me.
So today we had longest ever phone conversation and all of a sudden he said ‘when we are eating out they want me to be in a picture with them and I refuse and they give me shit about it and I just don’t want my pictures on FB for their satisfaction that all of their friends looking and thinking about our happy family witch is crap!’
I almost said I saw some of those ‘happy’ images but I’ve decided I’ll say in person...
So he asked ‘what would you say? How would you get out of this fake crap and refuse to be in a picture?’
I said love...I would simply say I do not want to participate in the game you are playing with your FB friends because I don’t want to pretend to be happy because I am not’...he sigh...then said yes, that’s exactly what is running trough my mind...’ and I had interrupted and said ‘wait! You aren’t me! You aren’t ready yet but when you ready - this will come to you and jump out of you like it was the only thing was there to say...but THEN you will have to face concequences and think about one thing...what worse can happen than dreaming of being buried alive and live in a horror of those dreams hunting you?
I said you will be ready when you are. Just make sure it won’t be in a cardiology unit! Because I wouldn’t be able to be there to save you...
He said ‘too bad...I’ll try to have you there no matter what’...I said STFU!
And of course we laughed...
Before ‘pictures’ crap he told me things that’s going on that he used to let go and Nevermind and now he doesn’t let it slide! He gets right back at whoever is trying to ‘be smartass’...
We were discussing business and people and I was yelling in his face about him MUST to come out dark place and stale pond...and he shared last days details etc.
My question is...can something drive a strong and hard headed Scorpio into throwing a towel and saying FUCK! Enough is enough!
I am claiming my life back!
I can’t Do It anymore!!!
Years of torture are over!!!
I want to breathe...and will all be financially taken care of!
Pack and leave...
I have to expand