I just can't anymore! She has turned into DXP's Benny Hill.
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Hold on, let me count the ways.
- I came to DXP a little over 2 years ago, May 2016 I believe. By that time, me and my boy were already best friends and I had been secretly in love with him for around 3 years.
- Gemithotty was already going on about the Scorp when I got here.
- By the end of the year: I had already had my little suicidal meltdown on his birthday, he had his personal crisis and I completely forgot about my own crap and instead stuck by him 24/7 for several months. By January we had become closer than best friends.
- In March last year we got intimate for the first time. She was still stuck on the same square.
- By the end of last year: my boy had already moved in with me, we had become exclusive, he'd introduced me to his family as "belonging to him", we'd had our first major relationship crisis and he learned a valuable lesson during it.
She, on the other hand, went on a little meltdown about now hating him, but 2 months later she was back sucking on his theoretical big toe (you thought I was gonna say cock, didntcha?? Get yer mind outta the gutter, sailor!!).
It certainly hasn't been a smooth sailing upto this point, but one thing is certain: he doesn't want to let me go. He says it and shows it. We live in his second family home right now, it was his idea. He's a month away from only his 21st birthday so I'm cutting him some slack for his inexperience, just giving him some time to figure a few things out.
But we've learned a great deal from each other since his birthday 2 years ago. Our relationship has grown and evolved big time. And Gemithotty is still stuck on the exact same square she was back in May 2016.
I like to say that it's impossible to shock me anymore, but I think we've discovered a missing link between homo sapiens and apes. One far stupider than humanly possible.