Favorite Rap Lyrics

"You trust nooo, you trust nooo fucking bitch

Cuz if you trust a fucking bitch you be in the ditch.

Oh no, you let a hoe

Set you up and now its time to let these hoes know the scroll.

You kick in'z some doors, you lay them on some floors

You put the gun to they motherfucking fro bro

Is it fucking come

Is it fucking go

I KILL A HOE LIKE I KILL A FUCKING NIGGA BRO (my favorite part, cuz he screamed that shit)

I thought you fucking knew you fucking with the six?

You fuck with us we put your body in a fucking ditch.

Bitch, you done fucked around with the click,

Clique of motherfuckas that's sick bitch

We don't trust no hoeee

We don't trust no mannn

We got our own fucking thing, don't you understand?

Now how the fuck these hoes think they taken something?

You take nothing you only taken the fucking drama!"


I believe Lord Infamous said this, in Don't Trust Em' .. The Hypnotize Camp Posse album.

But I know fasho Crunchy Black also got a verse on this song.

They tend to sound alike, but Lord Infamous is all over this.. I used to think that was Crunchy, but the final verse is mosdef Crunchy.

Anyways, you fasho can't trust nobody.. I used to listen to this song and be passive about it, thinking I can trust some people.. But now I know for sure you can't trust NOBODY.. As much as you want to let someone in, you gotta be cautious first.

Gotta keep a gaurd up, and always be ready for someone's bullshit.

Change History

"You trust nooo, you trust nooo fucking bitch

Cuz if you trust a fucking bitch you be in the ditch.

Oh no, you let a hoe

Set you up and now its time to let these hoes know the scroll.

You kick in'z some doors, you lay them on some floors

You put the gun to they motherfucking fro bro

Is it fucking come

Is it fucking go

I KILL A HOE LIKE I KILL A FUCKING NIGGA BRO (my favorite part, cuz he screamed that shit)

I thought you fucking knew you fucking with the six?

You fuck with us we put your body in a fucking ditch.

Bitch, you done fucked around with the click,

Clique of motherfuckas that's sick bitch

We don't trust no hoeee

We don't trust no mannn

We got our own fucking thing, don't you understand?

Now how the fuck these hoes think they taken something?

You take nothing you only taken the fucking drama!"

I believe Lord Infamous said this, in Don't Trust Em' .. The Hypnotize Camp Posse album.

But I know fasho Crunchy Black also got a verse on this song.

They tend to sound alike, but Lord Infamous is all over this.. I used to think that was Crunchy, but the final verse is mosdef Crunchy.

Anyways, you fasho can't trust nobody.. I used to listen to this song and be passive about it, thinking I can trust some people.. But now I know for sure you can't trust NOBODY.. As much as you want to let someone in, you gotta be cautious first.

Gotta keep a gaurd up, and always be ready for someone's bullshit.