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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Not for this virgo. I can tell whether it's just the concept or the facade of a relationship vs really loving me."
Oh, well .. then it's just person specific and not sign related.
"If I was married to someone and they we weren't having sex, I'd feel very insecure. Do you think he's just comfortable of your situation so he doesn't feel the need to change it?"
He's pretty insecure about the celebacy and is NOT happy about it, to say the least .. however, I made the decision .. I'm not happy emotionally, he doesn't comprehend that I'm not happy, which directly effects his happiness .... it has cascaded down to our sex-life.
He wants sex .. I want emotional support. Guess what?
I don't get the emotional support .. he doesn't get sex .. that's the way it works.
However, he's still here .. so, now I'm faced with re-analyzing my position .. have I been blind? Am I actually being ignorant to the truth?
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"we got along well, our dates were great. we did not want to date other people. i do not believe you have to be to "relationship" stage to have sex. i mean how long would you have to wait? i am way hornier than that."
"Sex first .... in every relationship I've ever had."
mmmmmm.....then this ties into my "stages of dating" thread. I think that I've been trying to skip the "dating" phase and jump straight into the "relationship" phase. OK, but tell me this: If the two of you are "dating" and agreeing not to have sex with anybody else, then how is that different from an "exclusive" relationship. I don't get it?
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"and when you say most men will not agree to that..i would argue...most women fail top ask because they are afraid. i do not ask. i inform and get agreement or move on."
You and I are esentially saying the same thing. If I decide that I'm ready to be intimate with a man, then it's with the understanding that he's not having sex with anybody else either. I dont think any woman is afraid to say that to a man. (or at least she shouldnt be afraid.) But here's were I'm making the mistake: I assume that if man agrees to not have sex with anybody else, then that means that he and I are in a relationship. But obviously, I have it wrong.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
ScorpionLady,the PM you intended to send to EG has been sent to resend it again.
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Sounds like a good place to be LK. Ya'll have things to work on, but at least yall know it and yall are making progress.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
Had we been focused on the future .. we would have missed what was taking place in the moment .. if we had been thinking about what was expected in the future, then the present "would have failed miserably because today is NOT tomorrow .... however, if we embrace today for everything it is worth, then tomorrow will be even more beautiful because when we look at yesterday .. we have awesome memories of being together .. whereas, if we were worried about the future, then our memories would have been about fret and worry of what might be, instead of what is.
To date, with this outlook ... I haven't been burnt in a relationship because I have no expectations except what they are right now ... who they are tomorrow WILL indeed change, so how can I possibly expect them to be this same person 10 years from now? That's impossible, for every moment you spend today, changes the person you will become."
I wish like crazy I could get myself to this point. I hate worrying about the future. I'm trying so very hard to get to this point and just enjoy whatever comes each day and stop trying to be logical and analytical. I need to make a more conscious effort to do this. I'm probably sabbotaging situations with men and not even realizing it.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
We had the same thoughts, MsPisces, lol