OMG Don't you hate when...

"I don't think Pisceans in general are strong debaters. Facts, figures, black and white, semantics, number-crunching, right and wrong - all too 'clinical' for a fish. We have 'fly-vision' .. like we see each thing instantly with a hundred perspectives and possibilities:"
Maybe true, in a very general sense. But for me, i really like both. Maybe my strong aqua influence + Taurus rising; giving both stamina and I can surely see the forest for the trees, i think that's a special piscean gift to treasure. However, i also really like to get in there and debate a topic that really interests me. It's 'ALOT' of fun, and not always about being right or wrong. It's a real open and free feeling. Plus you can learn alot from both ends, and sometimes even make a difference or learn something along the way. I find passionate, yet respectful debate quite entertaining and can bring you closer to people with familiar likes, concerns and interests. ..Debating is like an art, not a war, imo. It's being respectful and recognizing when someone else makes a good call, as well. (You can't debate with someone who is totally close-minded and only wants to be right, no matter what..)