Resist that tantalizing and delicious urge to call him Libra-lis. A man likes to do the hunting! and if you are doing the running, your lure and attraction, while he might be initially flattered that you called - will soon wane. Let him do the running and calling for now. It's not as if you are unreachable yourself! He's got brains, plenty - so let him use his friend's phone to make the call or any other phone in that big city! - it's his call! - let him do what every man likes to do - and when and if he does call, don't appear that you were only waiting for his call - way to go***
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
virgoheart ... no problem .. you can say whatever you feel about Pisces. I don't view other peoples opinion of Pisces harshly, for I am a firm believer of owning myself .. it's within our own personal power to subject ourselves, or not, at our own discretion. In other words, you can't offend me with what you say .. only I can do that if I allow myself to pain from another persons words.
Actually, I understand where you're coming from in the aspect that I know what you're talking about .. but, don't understand in the aspect how a person can really feel this way, meaning ... to believe it's the responsibility of another person to protect your feelings for you.
Blind ignorance to the self is something I might never be able to comprehend within a person. It's for this reason that I cannot believe in a "God". The polar opposite thing? I don't think so .. it's awareness.
You know, I've lived with a man for over two decades who believed the same as you at one time, so it's not impossible to get on with opposing philosophies. As we age, our views change about our life and I can safely say that he doesn't do it as much as he used to .. for he has come to realize what I've finally been trying to tell him all these years .. WE ARE HUMAN and the error within this condition has to be recognized if we are to find nirvana .. we are inherently ignorant.
Our lives are a struggle because there is a problem with the existence within life itself, and therefore we do not find ultimate happiness in anything we experience.
This problem? It is our natural tendancy to blame our difficulties on things outside ourselves. This is within the mind itself, and this puts us fundamentally at odds with the way life really is.
The solution? This comes with understanding that we are the ultimate cause of our difficulties, and we are also the solution. We cannot change the things that happen to us, but we can change our responses, we can change ourselves.
Responsibility lies within ourself.
"The ignorance you describe is not on the virgo's part, it's on the part of the person who underestimates or misjudges the virgo."
It's not up to another person to "accept", "get", "understand" you, or anybody else ... it's up to YOU to "get" you, to estimate you correctly.
To believe that it's up to another person to understand where you are coming from, if you don't understand yourself, yourself .. then this is indeed ignorance.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"hookin up through facebook, now that is just sad"
Kris,watch have competetion here.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"See what I mean, Hypno?"
haha,i see Scorpius..Cap is pissed
I LOVE to see Cap girls pissed off.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"you see virgos behavior as "ignorant" and therefore "laugh" at it, and virgo sees it as "hopeful" and feels pisces reaction is "insensitive." It would be nice if we all had a true understanding of each others comprehensions."
"virgo sees it as "hopeful" and feels pisces reaction is "insensitive."
Hopeful, meaning .... hoping that another will take responsibility in giving back to you some kind of honor, or respect. To give freely of yourself, with hopes of someone truly seeing and comprehending that your heart is in the best place .. is putting the responsibility onto another person in which for you to find pride/honor/dignity.
In other words .. it's living FOR them and not yourself. For, their reactions to you, will make the determination whether you feel happy or sad.
You're right .. I will never be able to live my life that way, and quite frankly, I find it extremely difficult to accept that others live their lives this way. To me, it's not being insensitive, for I am respsonible for myself .. the reason why it looks insensitive to you is because you are expecting other people (Pisces) to create your self-worth for you by honoring you for you.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
Yamaha.. Happy belated Bday!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"I wouldn't consider it a good thing to laugh at those that are caring enough to give of themselves and get hurt. If anything, you should feel anger towards those that are doing the hurting."
See, from my perspective .. in the above scenerio .. the person who is hurting this person .. is him/her self. If a person "gives" just to satisfy their own desire to be viewed upon by another person as beautiful .. yet, would injure their own self by giving erroneously believing that it should be unconditionally accepted .. then this is a pain that is self-inflicted.
Pisces will always go to the aid of someone suffering .. however, this isn't considered suffering to us.
Signed Up:
Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
Nico, I think you are adopting a very narrow view. I dont feel itz actually a clash of civilizations yet. Radical Islamists are only a handful and don't represent the whole population, but no doubt they are still creating a very real danger and tragically, moderate sections are in a way fuelling it by being quietly forgiving ( much like indulgent mothers ).
From my experience, I do have a feeling that to a degree, Islam does intill a sense of all-exclusive superiority over others and add to that itz blazingly glorious ( read invasive ), expansionist past. Now somehow, some of them aren't able to come to terms with modern reality. But upheavels happen to every culture I believe. Life-cycle issue in my opinion.
Also, American greed ( perceptibly , may be due to bias ) mixed with public ignorance is a definite factor here, which just can't be swept under the carpet. And here you are evoking a policy of brutal and decisive elimination. Itz like slapping the Son of God tight.