
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by PhishFood

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Its the part of my chart that I found interesting. My ascendant apparently is sag. And my venus is apparently in cancer. And this is supposed to make me appear “attractive” based on what I read 😂😂😂
Your pic is very pretty. I'm assuming it's you smile

And interesting choice of username
Nah! Thats Natalie Portman. We have the same sun and moon smile Gemini Sun and Virgo moon smile mind you, i just discovered my real chart yesterday... i found my time of birth and realized my entire life was a lie coz all my houses and my rising and moon changed. 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol how did you found out your birth time or more importantly how did you got it wrong?

Does your new chart make more sense to you ? You relate more to it?

I asked my mother and she made a mistake in what she told me hahaha. So before I turned out to be a Virgo rising and a Leo moon. Yesterday, I saw my actual birth certificate with exact birth time and used it to make sure and just out of curiosity.

Yes! It made more sense to me. I have a friend who is a leo moon and we dont have the same way in processing emotions. I am very detached and she gets attached easily. And I always wondered why if we have the same sun and moon. Now it explains everything. Having Sag rising and having my Virgo moon in 9th house causes my detachment. And i wanted to get married which is a top priority for me when I date so I carefullg choose men and its all because of my Venus in Cancer in the 7th house. Which before, i thought was in 10th house and was supposed to make me marry my job. All the 6th house in my chart also explained why I am a workaholic but when it comes to family my 7th house does dominate. It was weird at first and i started to realize how much it all made sense.
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You seem to know A lot about astrology, how did you learnt that

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@tiziani we got a back up plan for you

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