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Posted by -sierra-You have been honest about your perspective from beginning to end.Posted by VenusAquariusto be honest with you, i find him to be the more sympathetic one in this situation.. not that i need to pick a side but she cheated first and they're both equally abusive to each otherPosted by -sierra-Yes, I saw what you wrote.Posted by VenusAquariushey she admitted she cheated firstPosted by -sierra-I find it interesting that your more shocked about the exposure of his deeds than his deeds.Posted by Pink_Ribbonnah even when they didn't have kids years ago, they've always been at each other's throats but it got worse after the kids..Posted by -sierra-They have kids? Maybe that's why. Scorp guys make good fathers.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3yeah damn i didn't know scorpio men liked women who scream at their faces so much.. she basically narrates whatever their issue is in detail (lol) when she shouts at him.. it's almost childish how she wants to humiliate him to the neighbors
Aries big mouth lol
that aries woman's mouth is just too much
However, I fully understand that you don't care, you just want her screaming to stop.
However, you emphasized the embarrassment and humiliation of how much she describes in detail the "issues."click to expand
Posted by -sierra-Thankie...Posted by VenusAquariusi heard from her that he doesn't help around the house, 'too much of a lazy bum to work,' chats with other women when he stays in the bathroom for more than an hour and also that he's a mama's boy..Posted by -sierra-You have been honest about your perspective from beginning to end.Posted by VenusAquariusto be honest with you, i find him to be the more sympathetic one in this situation.. not that i need to pick a side but she cheated first and they're both equally abusive to each otherPosted by -sierra-Yes, I saw what you wrote.Posted by VenusAquariushey she admitted she cheated firstPosted by -sierra-I find it interesting that your more shocked about the exposure of his deeds than his deeds.Posted by Pink_Ribbonnah even when they didn't have kids years ago, they've always been at each other's throats but it got worse after the kids..Posted by -sierra-They have kids? Maybe that's why. Scorp guys make good fathers.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3yeah damn i didn't know scorpio men liked women who scream at their faces so much.. she basically narrates whatever their issue is in detail (lol) when she shouts at him.. it's almost childish how she wants to humiliate him to the neighbors
Aries big mouth lol
that aries woman's mouth is just too much
However, I fully understand that you don't care, you just want her screaming to stop.
However, you emphasized the embarrassment and humiliation of how much she describes in detail the "issues."
The only missing piece for me is.... what are these deeds of his that are so embarrassing and humiliating.
I'm one of those peeps who takes more notice of what's not said... more than what's said.click to expand
Posted by nysag86Insight require detail...
I messed up big time and came on too strong. Wrote poetry that was a little too soon for this Pisces woman. She’s not speaking to me bc she thinks I insulted her. I’m trying to make up she doesn’t respond to anything. I know it’s probably over, but would you guys have any insight on how I could win her back. She’s on instagram all the time
Posted by -sierra-I can't believe she had a baby with him. My god, no job, no chores, video games.Posted by VenusAquariusPosted by -sierra-Thankie...Posted by VenusAquariusi heard from her that he doesn't help around the house, 'too much of a lazy bum to work,' chats with other women when he stays in the bathroom for more than an hour and also that he's a mama's boy..Posted by -sierra-You have been honest about your perspective from beginning to end.Posted by VenusAquariusto be honest with you, i find him to be the more sympathetic one in this situation.. not that i need to pick a side but she cheated first and they're both equally abusive to each otherPosted by -sierra-Yes, I saw what you wrote.Posted by VenusAquariushey she admitted she cheated firstPosted by -sierra-I find it interesting that your more shocked about the exposure of his deeds than his deeds.Posted by Pink_Ribbonnah even when they didn't have kids years ago, they've always been at each other's throats but it got worse after the kids..Posted by -sierra-They have kids? Maybe that's why. Scorp guys make good fathers.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3yeah damn i didn't know scorpio men liked women who scream at their faces so much.. she basically narrates whatever their issue is in detail (lol) when she shouts at him.. it's almost childish how she wants to humiliate him to the neighbors
Aries big mouth lol
that aries woman's mouth is just too much
However, I fully understand that you don't care, you just want her screaming to stop.
However, you emphasized the embarrassment and humiliation of how much she describes in detail the "issues."
The only missing piece for me is.... what are these deeds of his that are so embarrassing and humiliating.
I'm one of those peeps who takes more notice of what's not said... more than what's said.
He don't have no job? No income from him? No house work?
What does he do all day?
she nags at him coz he plays videogames all day.. every time he does dishes, they always have a fight about it coz she gets home and he whines about it
i can't believe people fight about dishesclick to expand
Posted by AdreamuponwakingYou lady, you know all of it lol
I'm proud of you for establishing boundaries!
Posted by GOATActionI’ve never met a Cap that I’ve been attracted to either. I don’t find them boring. There just has never been a spark for me.Posted by Capricorn91Posted by leoSunCancermoonI thought you were a woman. Sorry.Posted by Capricorn91See? I understand friendship and compassion.. let him learn.. he s totally fk up in my view. As for my gf, diferent story, as long as this loyalty remains neutral in our relation, ok, orherwise i ll do a backflip.
Lol Sags are always after me. I don't give them much attention still they love me. But I consider them really good friends in my case. They really care for me and we just get along so fine. There is one guy at work who says whenever he talks to me while working on something it goes well 😁.
And your perception of Caps is all wrong and superficial. You really don't know us.
Most caps i meet doesnt spend a coin in order to have fun with friends...
but im electrohouse music fan and most of my prefered Djs are caps.. curious.. btw, my best night stand was with a cap. Totally surprised, till these days in my memory, what a lovely woman, she was the best of all, for sure. Anyway, in general my stereotipe with caps is what i said before.
Sags always love Caps. It might look like it is not the same loyalty from Cap's end but Caps will always be there for you in times of need.
Yeah we just get music on a different level. Yeah you need to know them well to see how they really are.
All the Sag women I've ever dated/known found me a complete bore. And I typically find them talkative but not saying much. Not much chemistry beyond attraction and maybe a one night stand.click to expand
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