Mars/Venus in Aquarius people - Do you get what you want by not giving a FK?

I've seen this happen a lot with people who has personal planets in Aquarius.

The point they start to not give a Fk about other people, is the point they start to do well...

It seems like that acting rebellious is what works for them

Related Messages

Posted by M143

where is Busyeye?
she is busy, haha thats a great joke
Posted by nanobot

I wish for a man on behalf of the desperate ass women on this site
There are no men in this world. Only woman on woman!
Posted by GemCurio

3 Cardinal Rules of the Game Playa!!!

Only because it's you...

#1 The more you respect yourself the higher the person you are dating HAS to respect you. Demand it and tolerance means acceptance...

#2 First warning sign of strange behavior run!!! Whatever that behavior that doesn't vibe right with you will grow worse and worse the longer the person is around

#3 Appear the way you want to be treated. How you dress will say to a guy I have to buy this lady a drink and a small cake just to see her smile, or the way you dress will say the liquor store closes in 15 minutes and I can jump her bones behind the dumpster..

Ladies is Pimps Too!!! The way you dress, and the level of integrity you maintain will be reflected back at you. Prepare for the slimy. They come up to everyone everywhere regardless of if you're on a date or not. If the guy you're dating sees a slimy dude come up to you while he's in the bathroom or walked away for a moment, pay attention to his reaction.

If he's confrontational with the guy it's a great thing. If he tries to make a joke about it indirectly blaming how you look or anything like that run!!! He's not a man yet... And will always blame you instead of being a man... Good Luck Playa!!!!

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Lol sounds like I've been living this playa life already with those rules😂😂

I'm not aiming to play with people cos that ain't me lol just wanna experience going out on dates and having fun with someone. Light and innocent lol

Pisces Sun

Leo Moon

Mercury Pisces

Venus Pisces

Mars Aries

Jupiter Gemini

Uranus Cap

Saturn Cap

Neptune Cap

Pluto Scorpio

Asc Gemini
Posted by Nathan912

What?!?.... A Sagittarius asking for a dating tips?

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😂😂😂 Get out! Lol
Posted by FantamRooster

You're hilarious (I've noticed in your comment posts.) Run from any guy who is offended by that or tries to silence it. Guys who see it as a good quality will make you so much happier, and they're usually funny too.
Thanks babe😘
Posted by nanobot

I wish for a man on behalf of the desperate ass women on this site
Granted, but the women won't be desperate then
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You didn't answer my three questions

Posted by GemCurio

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by GemCurio

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by GemCurio

Posted by LadyNeptune

Why are you so intent on answering internet strangers questions?
Why are so interested in what I'm doing??? Do you playa...
This thread is about us asking questions and you answering, no? So answer.
The more I answer people the more answers people want. Supply and demand.. Natural order. It's not my fault that people need a reliable logical resource for answers. I'm just trying to hook people up...
Doing the lords work.

Quit blowing my spot up... A little kindness and sincerity goes a long way in a weary world...

Everyone knows you. I'm surprised you aren't doing this..
click to expand
You wasting your time on her. She will be inserting her bitchy posts until you said something that would blow her fuse and he dissapeared...

Just ignore @LadyNeptune altogether.