Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28