Posted by tizianiPosted by jeane"Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairiestrue but feelings can be fleeting. i know if i go with a knee jerk reaction that i can regret it. for me, it has to sit with me for a while for me to determine if i am being carelessly reactionary or if there is merit to my sentiment.Posted by jeaneSometimes putting a time frame inplay delays the inevitable. I dont think the relationship with the girlfriend could or will last if he is confused between the two. You either love them or you dont. Im so guilty of using time frames and they just make it worse for me🤔
he's going to do what he is going to do. i think we can be swayed on some things but we can be very stubborn and the to-ing and fro-ing can be only an attempt to delay what we know deep down we are going to do anyway.
the best thing for him is to wait it out. tell him to have a time frame in mind - 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 days. whatever he thinks is a reasonable time to wait before he makes his final decision. he may feel differently then or he might fel the same, but he would have given it some time at least to make sure he is certain.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking. i wouldn't blow up my long term relationship on the basis on what could be a temporary crush.
people in relationships often form crushes on other people. it doesn't mean everyone acts on it or lets it ruin the relationship. sometimes it can be an opportunity to address anything lacking"
thank you! Maybe it's just my experience but this is a standard-fare conversation to have in relationships at some points. Especially in my twenties because that's a time that's rife with walking the tightrope between what I thought was "the right way to do things" vs what was ACTUALLY right for me and my partnerclick to expand