Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?
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Mar 12, 2013Comments: 44 · Posts: 353 · Topics: 16
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by Placidd
Posted by NemDeux
of course, not knowing the dynamics and the chemistry it´s easy for a stranger on the net to drop a comment non-chalant ....BUT i found her explanation to you such a cheap sleezy shot. very non-saying. very applicable to any person one wants to brush off in a nice way. sorry, it´s me, not you. sorry for being harsh here; but i feel she shook you off and is now feeling lighter. cut your losses! the sooner the better.
The dynamics/chemistry was nice but i do sort of agree with what youre saying. I know that she cant move on from her ex and i think deep down that two years, one year, is enough for someone to move on from a relationship like that. Youre not being harsh, i feel relieved as well but i dont really feel like i had closure. i guess thats just how life goes.
Don’t take it personal
It is her. She was in an unhealthy relationship still stuck
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She has a lot of problems and really doesnt know how to sort it all out so she just runs away. I did what i could and i did it perfectly, thats how i feel. at the least I know I didnt do anything wrong.