Tired of the Mooners Folks Chiming In

Talk shit about Capricorn Moons some more... I liked that.

Anyways, I feel you. Nobody asked they ass...

I don't see why people defending answering Sun sign questions as a Mooner. Ahaaa!! Nobody wants to help someone "confused about my crush" THAT BAD.. Get real AHAA!

I wonder as a Gemini Moon, Venus and Mars - could I answer a Gemini Sun question...


I know my place, and the bitches seem to need crab-man help more often these days.

Change History

Talk shit about Capricorn Moons some more... I liked that.

Anyways, I feel you. Nobody asked they ass...

I wonder as Gemini Moon, Venus and Mars - could I answer a Gemini Sun question...


I know my place, and the bitches seem to need crab-man help more often these days.