Posted by Arielle83Cause she’s cute and he hasn’t had sex with her yet????? I don’t know. Lol.Posted by saggurl88The cancer sounds like a douche. Why he like her?Posted by Arielle83No. The cancer is jealous that the Libra talks to other girls. She says he’s too friendly. He’s always telling other women that he misses them or is so glad to see them. She tells him he’s too nice to all the ladies.Posted by saggurl88The cancer is jealous of his gf of 3 yrs?
Well thanks everyone. It’s too late. Lol he jumpethe him and just told his girl of 3 years (that he lives with) that he likes the cancer girl and doesn’t know what to do.
Cancer girl threatened to stop talking to him cause she didn’t want to be a side chick.
I told him that he will have to decide for himself if the grass is greener. But the cancer girl is extremely jealous. He doesn’t know that side of her yet and he’s only been talking with her for about 3 months.
He’s young, in his 20’s, he will figure it out and learn lessons on life. I guess
He just a sweet, loving kid. Super to expand