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Posted by chris19See that's what i was caught between. We spent all weekends together, even though that's not like alot of time, the time we spent was spent well. Like we talked all night and really got to learn one another. After the 3rd week we could finish eachothers sentences and tell how we were feeling by just our expressions. So I think because of that I fell quite a bit and so did he. Like we pretty much knew eachother inside out!
One month, you have to convince your partner that you both know each other enough for a relationship to work out.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah that's what i feel. Like those words cab easily make or break you. They're like the 3 most important words of my vocabularyPosted by WhathaveidoneThere really is no right or wrong answer to this. But if it were me I’m going to take my sweet ass time before letting go of those 3 precious words.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3I have another friend who is basically in the same situation but for the first 3 years her and him were on and off quite alot!Posted by WhathaveidoneLol call them one of the lucky ones.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3See that's what i thought but one of my best friends told her boyfriend within 2 weeks. They had spent 4 or 5 days together at this point. Known each other maybe for a couple of weeks before that. He didn't say it back till afterwards but 6 years down the line they live together, in the process of buying their first house and are engaged!
If you want the other person to start running then yes.click to expand
Posted by tizianiI completely agree with everything except the last sentence. The most trustworthy have been relationship jumpers? Really or was that a mistype?
From my pov there is literally no point in being single.
Not to knock single life or people who enjoy it, just my pov.
Once I knew I'm good with being by myself, that's that part of life conquered.
Then I knew I'd developed some good habits inside of a relationship - know to compromise, when to keep boundaries, social life, manage to spend time around other people and listen to them without treating other people's presence like it's an annoyance to my bubble world - and those are habits that keep me in good stead.
Plus the most trustworthy women I've met relationship wise have been relationship jumpers. Again because they just have those habits.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3What even before you said it? 😮Posted by WhathaveidoneIt’s something I don’t just throw around. I remember one female I used to date and she’d ask me that atleast once a month lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah that's what i feel. Like those words cab easily make or break you. They're like the 3 most important words of my vocabularyPosted by WhathaveidoneThere really is no right or wrong answer to this. But if it were me I’m going to take my sweet ass time before letting go of those 3 precious words.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3I have another friend who is basically in the same situation but for the first 3 years her and him were on and off quite alot!Posted by WhathaveidoneLol call them one of the lucky ones.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3See that's what i thought but one of my best friends told her boyfriend within 2 weeks. They had spent 4 or 5 days together at this point. Known each other maybe for a couple of weeks before that. He didn't say it back till afterwards but 6 years down the line they live together, in the process of buying their first house and are engaged!
If you want the other person to start running then yes.click to expand
Posted by Lala1393Posted by saggurl88I love introverts.
I'm Libra Rising. I thought rising's were all about first impressions? I know I come off fun and bubbly when I first meet you but then I end up backing up and just being my normal introverted self.click to expand
Posted by pisceanlovesAnd so is a pisces venus lolPosted by Sag898Gemini venus is very unreliable and unstable, no thanksPosted by pisceanlovesYou guys are unstable and childish. Maybe a gemini Venus would appreciate youPosted by Sag898Good to know that you hate us, like we care
I hate that Venus in pisces is always attracted to us. You guys are all emotion and zero logic such a turn off.World already has enough puppets with zero emotion, we color your life, be grateful or eff off
click to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah I'd be the same! You can't force it can you?!Posted by WhathaveidoneShe harassed me about it for a good 4 months out of the year asking me if I love her. I never told her I do because I felt pressured doing so.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3What even before you said it? 😮Posted by WhathaveidoneIt’s something I don’t just throw around. I remember one female I used to date and she’d ask me that atleast once a month lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio3Yeah that's what i feel. Like those words cab easily make or break you. They're like the 3 most important words of my vocabularyPosted by WhathaveidoneThere really is no right or wrong answer to this. But if it were me I’m going to take my sweet ass time before letting go of those 3 precious words.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3I have another friend who is basically in the same situation but for the first 3 years her and him were on and off quite alot!Posted by WhathaveidoneLol call them one of the lucky ones.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio3See that's what i thought but one of my best friends told her boyfriend within 2 weeks. They had spent 4 or 5 days together at this point. Known each other maybe for a couple of weeks before that. He didn't say it back till afterwards but 6 years down the line they live together, in the process of buying their first house and are engaged!
If you want the other person to start running then yes.click to expand
Posted by JanMayMarryJust laugh. It’s actually pretty hilarious.Posted by LadyNeptuneYes. I don't understand him at all. Its okay if he dislike air signs but to keep on sayin' things like as if he knew us, is really annoying.Posted by JanMayMarrySuper judgy. Where is ops successful relationships at? Crickets...Posted by solidsnakeSo...you sayin' there will be a note placed of their foreheads telling me, don't date me cos' im a piece of shit bla bla bla? Are you freaking dumb? I am not blaming him, I'm just stating facts.Posted by JanMayMarryThe reason im asking this question is because i personally.know many air signs who seem to jump into temporary serious relationships. Not just one, but all of them.Posted by solidsnakeThere's not even a lot bruh..and I don't date them like after the other. It took me some time before I went on for the next one. Like my previous was with the Sag from Florida which failed because he cheated and do drugs. I wasn't dating anyone for half a year until I met Aqua and it just happened cos' we were working together. It started from friendship and never that we thought we will fall in love.Posted by JanMayMarryIf im not mistaken, ive heard u kinda mention numerous relationships that were complete failures.Posted by solidsnakeWhat's with you and us?
I find it strange how alot of air signs i know bounce around from serious relationship to the next. Or maybe they just come off like they take it serious by hanging out with one person constantly until they get tired and dispose of said person. I guess this is part of what they refer to as the whole detached thing. This concept is foreign to me being an earth sign. Its seems scattered & unstructured with no real reasonable intent, other than a way to pass the time. I myself choose not to give one person so much of my time to the point where they think they are more included inside my life than they really are. If i jumped in & out of serious relationships i would feel empty & confused.
Opinions on dis?
I'm not. I don't jump from one to another like that. I hate changes when it comes to rs just so you know. Starting all over again with a new person is just so urghhh..
So...NO..not me.
I have seen earth signs dating one after the other more than any other signs so stop tryin' to make it sounds like your sign is so perfect.
And really, what is with you with the air signs? I just don't understand you at all.
The only real successful relationships ive seen stick have been aqua gemini couples.
In your guys minds you can make up anything to make u feel better about terrible decisions making and be totally oblivious to the reality of the how your presence affect others. Like above you totally blame your ex for cheating and doing drugs as if you didnt have any part to play in choosing ur partner. The problem wasnt ur ex, it was your decision making. Then presto, six months later your in serious relationship & in love again lol
Shit is just kinda silly to me
Im sure this has been the cycle of your romantic life, no?
And it's half a year not 6 days. And I wasnt even searching. It happens. If you think I like changing partner, you are so wrong. But I dont need to dwell over someone who hurt me for a long time. Been there, done that. It is stupid! Once someone cheat on me, its easy for me to get over shit.
You're really a judgemental freak. Yeah stay there and be hurt until the world ends. Good for you...I guess.
Also this is like the 3rd or 4th thread in as many days about air signs from him. Someone is obsessed 😏
Im trying to control myself but its hard, cos' I have seen him doing this over and over again. Get over it already. 😑😑click to expand
Posted by solidsnake“Go away” lol @ your biatch assPosted by LadyNeptuneGo awayPosted by JanMayMarrySuper judgy. Where is ops successful relationships at? Crickets...Posted by solidsnakeSo...you sayin' there will be a note placed of their foreheads telling me, don't date me cos' im a piece of shit bla bla bla? Are you freaking dumb? I am not blaming him, I'm just stating facts.Posted by JanMayMarryThe reason im asking this question is because i personally.know many air signs who seem to jump into temporary serious relationships. Not just one, but all of them.Posted by solidsnakeThere's not even a lot bruh..and I don't date them like after the other. It took me some time before I went on for the next one. Like my previous was with the Sag from Florida which failed because he cheated and do drugs. I wasn't dating anyone for half a year until I met Aqua and it just happened cos' we were working together. It started from friendship and never that we thought we will fall in love.Posted by JanMayMarryIf im not mistaken, ive heard u kinda mention numerous relationships that were complete failures.Posted by solidsnakeWhat's with you and us?
I find it strange how alot of air signs i know bounce around from serious relationship to the next. Or maybe they just come off like they take it serious by hanging out with one person constantly until they get tired and dispose of said person. I guess this is part of what they refer to as the whole detached thing. This concept is foreign to me being an earth sign. Its seems scattered & unstructured with no real reasonable intent, other than a way to pass the time. I myself choose not to give one person so much of my time to the point where they think they are more included inside my life than they really are. If i jumped in & out of serious relationships i would feel empty & confused.
Opinions on dis?
I'm not. I don't jump from one to another like that. I hate changes when it comes to rs just so you know. Starting all over again with a new person is just so urghhh..
So...NO..not me.
I have seen earth signs dating one after the other more than any other signs so stop tryin' to make it sounds like your sign is so perfect.
And really, what is with you with the air signs? I just don't understand you at all.
The only real successful relationships ive seen stick have been aqua gemini couples.
In your guys minds you can make up anything to make u feel better about terrible decisions making and be totally oblivious to the reality of the how your presence affect others. Like above you totally blame your ex for cheating and doing drugs as if you didnt have any part to play in choosing ur partner. The problem wasnt ur ex, it was your decision making. Then presto, six months later your in serious relationship & in love again lol
Shit is just kinda silly to me
Im sure this has been the cycle of your romantic life, no?
And it's half a year not 6 days. And I wasnt even searching. It happens. If you think I like changing partner, you are so wrong. But I dont need to dwell over someone who hurt me for a long time. Been there, done that. It is stupid! Once someone cheat on me, its easy for me to get over shit.
You're really a judgemental freak. Yeah stay there and be hurt until the world ends. Good for you...I guess.
Also this is like the 3rd or 4th thread in as many days about air signs from him. Someone is obsessed 😏click to expand
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