Tired of the Mooners Folks Chiming In

Posted by JanMayMarry

Posted by stillstillwater

Nothing more annoying than reading a thread in a designated forum topic just ready to learn about _____ sign then for someone to be like...

“Well im a ______ moon and I .....”

Lolllll did the OP say______ moon. No they said ____ sign. So no one wants to hear whatyour lil inner moon feelings thinks.

Never does that in Leo sun's board, if I remember correctly but helly yeah...seen a cap moon answering for cap sun saying them can relate. Of sort...lool
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Consider yourself lucky smile but i constantly see the Leo moons here be like hear me roar... rawrrrr 🐯 but thats ok cuz at least theyre not trying to impart Leo sun wisdom on us. 🙄