What do you guys do?

Posted by STILL

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by STILL

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by STILL

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

What do you all do when you are indecisive about a relationship? What makes you make a clear decision?

I have a young Libra telling me his issues about him having a girlfriend and him liking another girl. I told him the issue is for him to figure out on his own and to keep the other girl as a friend until he figures it out.

What other advice should I give him? He's asking for help because I know everything that's going on but he is super confused about his feelings for the new girl. I told him it's the honeymoon phase and that he might not like her, it's just something exciting and new.

He has cheated before and doesn't want to do it again. His current girlfriend is a Sag and the girl he's friends with is a Cancer. I don't even know how well Libra and Cancer get along but there are already things he does to the Cancer chick to annoy her, he doesn't even notice either.

Anymore advice I can give him? From an actual Libra that struggles with decisions and balancing/figuring out what you want?
Tell him for the rest of his life he's always going to meet someone different or better in some ways than his current, but he has to learn loyalty.....learn to appreciate what other people have to offer without wanted it. If she jumps ship, he then miss what the current is providing.
LOL! Best advice to give to a Libra...which they will never pay heed to. It’s their nature to seek the greener pastures.
I was hoping that if you catch them early and convey it enough, maybe he could learn to be loyal.

I think people are so afraid to call people out on their shit in the name of not being judgemental. I don't think it's being judgemental. Everyone should build character.
💯% agree with you. Leave it to Aqua moons and Cap moons to discipline people. LoL. In the name of acceptance and inclusivity and refraining from “judging” even though we all do it, our society has become a little too passive and lenient with people who should rightfully be called out.

As for judgmental, I wonder about people who feel like they don’t judge. Delusional and insane.
Indeed fellow Aqua! Lol

Also, judging to demean is different from giving your prospective.
Precisely!! Girl, I need more real life friends like you. Life would be so much easier when two people think the same.
That's funny, I was kinda thinking the same thing. My exact thought "I hate when 09 gets on dxp. We become tag team buddies. I get too much mental stimulation from her. I think I have a girl crush" *heart eyes*
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Aww! Girl crush reciprocated 💫