Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?
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Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?
Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.
It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!
I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.
Well that is what I think she is feeling. It is a sad situation and you know best. At the end of the day you just have to follow your heart and do what it feels right to you. It is your happiness in line.
Thank you for that. Hm... If I were to follow my heart it would mean being patient with her and let life do what it does. This could either mean attachment to her or the situation but time will tell I guess, and maybe it won't matter to me anymore or we'll become friends. I've always thought she was important to me because she made me want to do the little things out of desire, not obligation. She never expressed herself often but when she did it felt like it was sincere appreciation of me. It's hard forgetting qualities like those.
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Exactly. That is all. Us Pisces are happiest when we just go with the flow. Is when we try to control things that we get into trouble.
But you two obviously have a special connection. You wanting to do things out of desire doesn’t happen with everyone. Change History
Signed Up:
Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by Placidd
Posted by pisceswoman123
The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?
Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.
It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!
I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.
Well that is what I think she is feeling. It is a sad situation and you know best. At the end of the day you just have to follow your heart and do what it feels right to you. It is your happiness in line.
Thank you for that. Hm... If I were to follow my heart it would mean being patient with her and let life do what it does. This could either mean attachment to her or the situation but time will tell I guess, and maybe it won't matter to me anymore or we'll become friends. I've always thought she was important to me because she made me want to do the little things out of desire, not obligation. She never expressed herself often but when she did it felt like it was sincere appreciation of me. It's hard forgetting qualities like those.
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Exactly. That is all. Us Pisces are happiness when we just go with the flow. Is when we try to control things that we get into trouble.
But you two obviously have a special connection. You wanting to do things out of desire doesn’t happen with everyone.