Dating an aqua

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by AerialView

Posted by STILL

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by STILL

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by STILL

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by STILL

There will be more episodes. Do not compete. Never let anyone mentality/emotionally penetrate you. Humbly set an example of why she’s a “has been”. Be the strong beautiful Leo woman that you are.

Whenever in doubt, think about Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. smile

And Ashton and Demi?
He's been with Mila for the long haul.....two kids and still going strong.

lol @MyStarShine you are a sweet lady except for when it comes to Aqua men. Everybody has a sign that they dislike, so no judgment here. smile

Wasn't he with Demi for nine years? I was just making an observation

I've no issue with Aqua men as long as I don't have to be with them romantically, doesn't mean I don't like them ... they can be quite amusing at times 🙃

lol. Ok.

I mentioned Mila because she's a Leo and so is @MoonshineLeo.
So I hope he behaves himself with Mila 🙃

Thanks for your are sweet too 💗
There's no mention of him misbehaving as of yet. No need to plant seeds of doubt in moonshine's head.

Thanks for saying I'm sweet.
That's what she always do in Aqua board. She's a witch.
Some folks just like the negativity and thrive on it. I will never understand that. I'm glad I'm so optimistic and think the best of people. I would hate for it to be the other way.
click to expand
They like to drag you into their negativity so they won't feel alone in it.

That's very sad. It's a sickness tbh.