Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

I didn't read everything but i read enough to get the idea this is a case of Saturn on IC

Her Saturn on your IC.

Her Saturnian force on your IC would make you want to solemnize the relationship or be the grounding energy, to get things right... You will feel you haven't done enough or might even question if you have done enough. She will feel her Saturnian energy more as a " reflected" energy through your angle... Whenever she is around you, she would wanna get things "right" not because that's what she wants but because that's what being around you makes her feel. You will be the grounding force for her... Being around you means she has to do it right. It all comes down to how she can handle it. Where she is at in her life and how matured she is. It is a very restrictive soul connection. Anyone that touches our IC touches our inner soul. She touches your IC.

You didn't post the synastry wheel charts nor the natal charts... I'm not of any help without them.

What would help you?

Consistent actons with her. Grounding actions without making her feel "small" around you. I'm using the word small to describe she shouldn't feel how " wrong" or unfair she is to you (according to this synastry). I didn't check her natal Saturn to ubderstand how it would react to your ICs demand for a commitment/ need to be one with her.

Hey, thanks for posting! I could get the rest for you if you like. The situation in my post involved her being overwhelmed by her feelings of not being over a past relationship and wanted to "do the right thing" by moving on from that before she starts over. I wanted to take a look at the synastry to get a glimpse of what my significance to her is after all that's happened.


Follow the instructions.

Charts (3 charts) must be from

Placidus House.

WebDefault method.

Include north node, vertex and Chiron.

Post your natal, hers and synastry2 chart(bi-wheel)

And tag me 😊

I will be back in two hours. If I see the charts, I will read. Thank you.

I sent you a message, I hope that method will suffice!
No private readings.

The charts didn't show up

click to expand
Did the links not work or something? or just that i didnt post them here?