Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

your aqua venus is going to get you in trouble.
How do you mean?

Related Messages

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by JanMayMarry

Ex Aqua puncture the bike tyres belonging to ex Sag (while we were still together).

Ex Sag (Virgo moon) get some random girls from his social media to reach out to me cos' I've blocked his ass from everywhere.


What did yours do?

Gosh haha.

Mine told me I had different expectations to himself then shacked up with a young girl who has a baby and probably sat there laughing with her whilst I messaged him telling him how I'm sorry if I hurt him (he slow faded me so I ended it) and that I care about him so much... yep wasted a year of my life pining over this guy to find out the girl he's with is the type of person he told me he would never go near. And he has the balls to question my expectations of a relationship?

Yep steam is being let off 🤣
That's sad... Sorry man.

Idk why guys do that. They like some other girl but they waste another girl's time and life. He's a cheapo...

Ah well, at least I know to stop wasting the love I have on someone who is not worthy of it. I just need to build myself up to who I was a year ago now because I was so proud of that person. One thing for sure that's a good thing, because he had upset me and pissd me off I threw my all into my job and it's paid off!
Yeah let him go. Totally useless... He doesn't sound that great. Must be a weakling who can't decide what he wants. Or a coward who can't tell you what he doesn't want. You probably would have been great to him but he made his choice.

Yeah work. Focusing on it is the best thing to do.

I think it's he can't decide what he wants. He didn't even know his favourite colour?! He has put himself in situations in the past just because someone told him to. He conforms to things because he's scared. People.. 😐😐😐

That's kinda pathetic... Most guys are like this? I live in a country where guys are straightforward when they like you... But reading these threads I wanna shake my head all the time!

Scared? Scared of what? Rejection? So annoying...

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I've no idea. He told me once he was scared of getting hurt off everyone. Yet I had never at this point gave him a reason to think I would hurt him.
I had a last ex 25 years ago...

I don’t even remember who it was!!!

Posted by Sagicorn

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by Sagicorn

1.Gave his gf his car to drive, she crashed with it, ended up in hospital with serious injuries. As we stayed friends after break up we met for a coffee and ended up sleeping together. - Capricorn

2. Rejected seeing me for months as we lived in different towns, then when I moved on called me all night while I was on a date. Then tomorrow when I finally answered phone said how he sisn't want to meet up cause he was in wheel chair. Ofc it was a lie, do I even need to mention that? - Sagittarius

3. We broke up and he gets back with his ex soon after that cheated on him. Then she cheated on him again and he attempts to get back with me again and make her jealous by making out with me at the same club she was that night too. - Libra

People are so fucked up! You sound like you've had a hard time. It amazes me how someone could do this 😣

It's all nothing compared to a lot with Virgo lol but it's all in the past now. Important thing is to live through it and get out stronger
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Mine was Virgo... oops
Posted by MadHatter2

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by MadHatter2

Surprise blow jobs at funerals.
To a dead dude? Brrrr
It was his dead moms friend. She sneezed and he covered her mouth.. cause we're gentlemen
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Who covered her nose? Dead man?

The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by six4six

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by six4six

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by six4six

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by six4six

They can be. I’ve noticed a common theme with gems. There’s this subtle dance in the beginning. I guess that’s the best way to describe it. When they want to be with you they really want to be with you, and then they want their space. And then they want to tell you everything. And then they want to do their own thing, and then they want your both your worlds to come together but still have them separate.

Their freedom is important to them. If they know you’re not going to infringe on that, they become very physical and affectionate and loving. Also, lots of communication and fun banter, nonstop texting, phone calls, FaceTiming, all of it. An overall misunderstood underrated lovely sign.
Aww that hurts.
That hurts!? Lol why
It hurts someone tried to understand us.

Have you dated many Geminis?
Only 300,000 of them. So yea I know the sign pretty well


But you dont know me. So that's there...
Didn’t know you were one until you just said so. Him I’m six4six, nice to meet you
You didn't know my sign?!


Nice to meet you too! People here call me Instant.
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You seem disappointed lol but I also don’t spend a whole lot of time on here so there’s that. Ever hear back from your crush boy?
Posted by JanMayMarry

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by JanMayMarry

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by JanMayMarry

Ex Aqua puncture the bike tyres belonging to ex Sag (while we were still together).

Ex Sag (Virgo moon) get some random girls from his social media to reach out to me cos' I've blocked his ass from everywhere.


What did yours do?

Gosh haha.

Mine told me I had different expectations to himself then shacked up with a young girl who has a baby and probably sat there laughing with her whilst I messaged him telling him how I'm sorry if I hurt him (he slow faded me so I ended it) and that I care about him so much... yep wasted a year of my life pining over this guy to find out the girl he's with is the type of person he told me he would never go near. And he has the balls to question my expectations of a relationship?

Yep steam is being let off 🤣
Shit happens ya know. I did that once...begging ex Sag not to go and that I loved him a lot when he's out there having fun. His Aries moon prolly laugh at my Leehoe moon for being so pathetic.

Oh well..🤷‍♀️
Yeah i know. I just feel such an idiot for wasting a year of my life on someone who had no intentions of being on the same level as me, and someone who led me to believe so much. I'm not usually a naive person. I think I'm more frustrated because someone has actually fooled me!
Love...I wasted 5 years almost 6 on my ex Sag/Aries moon..but ya know...we learned. Count yourself lucky still.

What's your sign?
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Yep I'm lucky. This past year has drove me insane.

I'm Gemini
Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by six4six

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by six4six

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by six4six

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Posted by six4six

Posted by ASCoppVenus

Get the degree first. Reason being is there is a high chance for any start up business to fail. Its just the way it is. But having the degree will help you prepare for the second business you ought to open after this first one. But with higher chance of succeeding because of the knowledge and experience you already have.

This is all considering the risk snd your potential safety net whether the business succeeds or not.
I can understand the safety net of the education but it doesn't really apply here. Ime and people that I listen to and follow, first hand experience is going to be much more valuable since there is no class or substitute that will prepare you for starting a business outside of actually starting a business.

Unless you want to do something specific like become a lawyer, doctor, physical therapist, whatever, you're better off saving your money, putting it into the business and taking a couple classes. If you're gonna win or lose in business you're going to do it with or without the degree. And if you do happen to fail, you start over again without the 4 years loss of time and money spent in college.
First hand experience is valuable and I’m not discounting that. But I do think that in all honesty, the successful drop out (not sure if he already has a degree or not and this is his second course. OP please clarify) is not applicable to everyone despite people making it big without a degree. If a successful drop out with lots of experience makes it all the time, then majority of people should be earning above average by now. He mentioned he plans to take accountancy. Accounting is important in running a business. No matter what type of business he decides to run. He might end up being a serial entrepreneur and in any business he can use the degree he acquired so he doesnt get tricked with the expenses, taxes and so forth. And if he decided that business is tough, having a degree does not hurt him because he can simply move on to another high paying job such as Business Consulting for a huge firm like KPMG or Deloitte.
Completely fair points but I think this is going to come down to differences in comfortability of risk taking and over all philosophies on education/work. I think if he has the resources to work on the business now, and it's a burning passion of his and he can't stop thinking about it, he needs to do that and go all in. More and more people are leaving their careers to work on their own projects and work on their own hustles than ever before because people are starting to realize the model of education then employment is not working, thats WHY people aren't making it anymore or living comfortably.

If he is a serial entrepreneur though he'll be busy managing the businesses, not so much handling the accounting but thats why I suggested enrolling in a couple accounting classes to handle the books early on. Bring in a freelance accountant or whatever. Running a successful business has so much more to do with patience and consistency and grit and emotional intelligence than it does books smarts. It has more to with who you know and how you can leverage your network. i.e. I'm not talented in abc so I need to find xyz person to handle abc while I manage the business as a whole.

Any first hand experience in launching a business by any chance?
Yes, two successfully. I currently own my own real estate investment company, four years going strong 😊
Thats awesome! Maybe I can get your input for my research. America is actually part of what I’m doing coz its one of the countries that shows they wanna change work migration policies since Trump.
Our orange circus clown of a president lol. Sure! I’d be more than happy to help
Cool!!!! Thank you! I will PM you some questions tonight. And yes hahah because all these are interconnected. People cant come to the US for work, where would they go? Japan opened migration for workers so thats an option but its worth knowing how these practices really impact businesses and the economy. Can people really transfer skills from one market to another? Etc stuff like those smile
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Sure thing. Is this for a macro Econ course or something similar?
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Whathaveidone

Posted by JanMayMarry

Ex Aqua puncture the bike tyres belonging to ex Sag (while we were still together).

Ex Sag (Virgo moon) get some random girls from his social media to reach out to me cos' I've blocked his ass from everywhere.


What did yours do?

Gosh haha.

Mine told me I had different expectations to himself then shacked up with a young girl who has a baby and probably sat there laughing with her whilst I messaged him telling him how I'm sorry if I hurt him (he slow faded me so I ended it) and that I care about him so much... yep wasted a year of my life pining over this guy to find out the girl he's with is the type of person he told me he would never go near. And he has the balls to question my expectations of a relationship?

Yep steam is being let off 🤣
That's sad... Sorry man.

Idk why guys do that. They like some other girl but they waste another girl's time and life. He's a cheapo...

Ah well, at least I know to stop wasting the love I have on someone who is not worthy of it. I just need to build myself up to who I was a year ago now because I was so proud of that person. One thing for sure that's a good thing, because he had upset me and pissd me off I threw my all into my job and it's paid off!
Yeah let him go. Totally useless... He doesn't sound that great. Must be a weakling who can't decide what he wants. Or a coward who can't tell you what he doesn't want. You probably would have been great to him but he made his choice.

Yeah work. Focusing on it is the best thing to do.

I think it's he can't decide what he wants. He didn't even know his favourite colour?! He has put himself in situations in the past just because someone told him to. He conforms to things because he's scared. People.. 😐😐😐

That's kinda pathetic... Most guys are like this? I live in a country where guys are straightforward when they like you... But reading these threads I wanna shake my head all the time!

Scared? Scared of what? Rejection? So annoying...

I've no idea. He told me once he was scared of getting hurt off everyone. Yet I had never at this point gave him a reason to think I would hurt him.
I doubt that's true. Don't buy into those lies... It's a way to keep you around for later. I've never seen a guy to like/love a girl and not work to be with her.
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Yeah he tried keeping me around, I put up with it for another month and told him I wasn't standing for it. Never heard from him again, but something always popped up to do with him like bumping into his family members.
Posted by Arielle83

One went across country robbing banks and was on most wanted list. Kept calling me collect.

Another got some chick knocked up right after me.

Another said he’d throw my things in the ocean when I went to school down under. Then when I when I called his bluff to pick up, he tried to get with me.

Another offered me money to keep fucking him after I dumped him. When I refused he kept texting me that I’m a slut. I dumped him cuz I had to focus on uni.

You wonder why I’d rather be single!!
Oh my god. I'm starting to think my situation isn't that bad lol.

He actually offered money?! What is wrong with people. They are sick!