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Posted by Queenaries2😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Posted by LadyNeptuneMost likely
I bet all the men are Pisces tho, right 😏click to expand
Posted by exsqueezemeNo upset in general. Perhaps your friend has some abandonment issues? idkPosted by Sag898Upset for not responding with in an unspoken specified time? It takes you that long to gather your bearings and overcome the trauma of someone not being able to give you immediate attention?
I hate talking to people when I'm upset. I need to get to a more positive light and than I'll re visit itclick to expand
Posted by RooSagicornI like all the cap lol I like Earth Venus! My Roomate has a Cap Venus too. Slow and steady wins the race right?!Posted by Sag898Hmmmmm interesting! Well I can be the most openest person but when something feels unsafe I shut down. In recent relationships, the trust is hard.. but really when I look back I was always like that. I just had guys who were patient. Recently not so much. And well initially in person is tough cuz I have this observe thing going on - Cap Rising and all my other Cap!! Lmao
A Leo moon!![]()
One of my best friend's has an aqua moon, mars cap, Venus in taurus she's an Aries your charts are kind similar actually haha
From the outside people probably think she's a cold bitch.but she's just picky and if likes you is very caring
click to expand
Posted by AfternoonDelights22That sounds easy enough..Posted by YodiWill prolly start next week or the followingPosted by AfternoonDelights22Posted by YodiYeah ill try and explain when I have timePosted by AfternoonDelights22
@yodi you said you might play the next season and I might need a team or 2 so you should play
I never took the time to learn how to play.. will you teach me?
Okay cool.. I'm a fast learner.
when does it start?
Its pretty easy and you will probably learn better as you go tho all the scoring can come off as complicated
So you will represent one of your placements which will be your "team"
You then take on different teams one on one in Games
In the games are 3 questions in which you will have to guess or research the answer to which is usually either sports or entertainment related.
Each game has a HOME team and an AWAY team. The home team can choose to answer 1 or 2 of the 3 questions and the away team has to answer whichever questions the home team did not answer. If you are right on the question you get a goal. If you are wrong on a question the other team gets a goal. And vice versa. Person who scores the most goals in a game wins that game. If there is a tie it goes to overtime and the home team answers the question first.
Wins=2 points in the standings
Overtime loss=1 point in the standings
Regular loss=0 points
The teams with the most points at the end of the season make the playoffs to try and get to and win the championshipclick to expand
Posted by exsqueezemeSorry about that. Do they only do this to you than?Posted by Sag898It is totally unjust to expect others to pander to your emotional upheavals when they aren’t the catalysts for them or the creators in any way shape or form. It’s extremely unfair that I have to shoulder that burden for no reason. I’ve been nothing but authentic and sincere to this friend whom I’ve helped a lot in the past when no one else was willing to step in because I considered them a genuine friend of mine. This is utterly ridiculous.Posted by exsqueezemeNo upset in general. Perhaps your friend has some abandonment issues? idkPosted by Sag898Upset for not responding with in an unspoken specified time? It takes you that long to gather your bearings and overcome the trauma of someone not being able to give you immediate attention?
I hate talking to people when I'm upset. I need to get to a more positive light and than I'll re visit itclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI should make a documentary on Pisces menPosted by Queenaries2😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Posted by LadyNeptuneMost likely
I bet all the men are Pisces tho, right 😏click to expand
Posted by exsqueezemeMoon is in Pisces in full moonPosted by Queenaries2Piscean men with their Piscean moon that just occurred = sociopathic customPosted by nanobotI been in retail in years and normally don’t attract asshole customers
I think that's just working in retail in general and unfortunately its going to get 1000x worse for retail employees as we go into the holiday season. Retail is an extremely abusive environment.
90 percent of the time they’re decent or nice
But for this whole summer they been aggressive
It’s like everyone hates their livesclick to expand
Posted by SuninLibraGood to know!Posted by Sag898Posted by SuninLibraHow far are you into it? That's in my current rotation
The Alchemist
I am done reading it actually, it was a masterpiece 👌click to expand
Posted by exsqueezemeThem tooPosted by LadyNeptuneOr Capricorns. Definitely those acorns.
I bet all the men are Pisces tho, right 😏click to expand
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