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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
"dont picture yourself in a situation such as that....always picture yourself where you would like to be"
well its fun to think along those lines. Only when we start wondering, we are able to see the loopholes of the judicial system and where exactly people get screwed.
I was once detained at Damascus Airport for no particular reason. I got out in 6 hours and managed to secure the release of few other inmates. I wasn't able to communicate to them bcoz of language issues. I wasn't allowed to make phone calls. Still I managed to get out. Those are the situations where one has to really depend on our own brain.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
dude...shes a libra for one...they never like just one has something to do with who is in front of them at the air signs love to have lots of friends andthey love to flirt with the opposite sex alot. she was unhappy that u werent paying her attention so she put effort into she knows u like over u lose.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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Good points you made Mistery. The aqua you knew sounds like a jerk. But UC was trying to explain about "normal" aquas behaviors, and it's freaky, honestly, because what she said was pretty true to me and other aquas I know.
The last time my friend came into Utah, I canceled my appointment with my professor, missed work, droved 3 hours, just to hang out one night with him. And all of this was on short notice, he did not call until late afternoon that day. All my friends at school thought I was crazy, lol!
Also, the sun sign does not dictate one's entire personality. The rising sign and moon sign also play their parts.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"Im a virgo, and seems the more we like you the harder it is to talk to you. Very guarded. If we think your would make a great friend, not hard to talk to you at all. strange how that works. Anyone I really care about can't talk straight to them. I think that is fear of saying the wrong thing. And of course you know virgo's try to be so perfect they dont want to say the wrong thing."
I fit the female Virgo description to a T". And the above statement is very dead on. And I will also add, for me personally, I can appear to be VERY stand-offish when it comes to a guy that I REALLY like. It comes across as being stand-offish, but in reality, on the inside I'm telling myself: "Dang!! I really like this one. And since I really like this one, I need to work double time to keep my guard up." See, Virgo's let their guard down pretty quick, but the other party would never know this. The fact that we "appear" to be distant is your first sign that you are "getting to us" in some kinda way.
It's kinda like a game of peek-a-boo. We are close but distant (aloof) at the same time. And we "peek" our heads out emotionally (peek-a-boo), a little at a time and then retreat very quickly. And if we keep in contact with you PERIOD, then YES we like you. We come across as emotionally distant because we are EXTREMLY ultra sensitive when it comes to someone that we like or care about.
Also, for me, if I'm really feeling a guy, then it is extremly difficult for me to maintain eye contact. However, on the other hand, if a guy doesnt phase me and I'm NOT feeling him, then eye contact and conversation is as simple as counting to five.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"P-Angel----Again, I will say or the millionith time ... if the Virgo is into you, they will withdraw and go MIA .. if they are still communicating with you, then they aren't into you."
Sorry P, but this is not correct. There is a difference between withdrawing emotionally vs. going totally MIA in contact altogether. There is no grey area with Virgo. If we like you, then you know it if we continue to entertain you period. If we are not interested, then we do not entertain and the other party has a clear understanding of where we stand. (But of course we communicate this WITHOUT hurting the other person's feelings by all means)
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"Thats really sad. I dont think thats pisces' trait in general."
i agree, that's far from your typical fish. Something's up with them, that goes far beyond astrology. People have bad experiences with every sign. I try and not generalize, 'cause for every bad person of a sign, there are so many more good.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
"Cancer boy is wooing her hard and is annoyed his efforts are coming to naught (like Paul perhaps?)."
I will respond to this in the other thread so as not to hijack this one.....
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I personally know that they need time especially after you have already apologized. It will become annoying if you continue,constantly. Give him some time a week or so.
BTW, my Libra friend and I were FWB's and decided to be friends only (or I decided)too manhy emotional feelings started getting involved. Things were good but a little wierd. He even called to ask me to help pick out furniture and to come see his new condo he just baught. I was shocked. I did and we actually picked his new furniture together online. I screwed some things up, yes because of alcohol as well. He is special to me and I know I will miss him. I will let him contact me. If he doesn't then maybe we aren't as close as I thought. I did apologize via email. He initially sent me an email, so I responded.