Funny this cos me an my Aqua had a bit of a fight the other night, we were watching a comedy sketch on tv where the bride was staggering around with a bottle of champagne. I turned to my Aqua and jokingly said. "That will be me on our wedding night"...His reply was "I'll never marry you...i want to be with you forever but i'll never marry you."
I was really upset and as a typical cancerian created a big drama about it.He ended up leaving my house in a huff cos he couldnt see why i was upset. THREE days later he calls me up and we talk. H
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
Does it work? Try it out. Post your favourite colour.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
If SHE argues more with you than with any other guy. If she tries to lock eyes with you, and won't break lock until you do. If she mentions little things you've done or said that no one in their right mind would have noticed."
LMAO so true.... I do this
Oops continued...
THREE days later he calls me up to say he is upset that i said "That will be ME on my wedding night" and seemingly excluded him from my future plans and thats why he said what he said to me. Now i know for a FACT these were not my words.I am a woman and i remember coversations word for word !!! I know that he sensed i was fishing and intentionally said the opposite to what i wanted to hear, and he has since
admitted this.If he senses i want to hear something he will say something completely the opposite to what i want to hear...crazy!!
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
"Im a virgo, and seems the more we like you the harder it is to talk to you. Very guarded. If we think your would make a great friend, not hard to talk to you at all."
----Very true, once I realize that I am interested in someone it gets hard for me to talk, but once I see that the other person is interested as well then it becomes easier
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Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
"they have come to believe in the world they've created, so to them, they are not lying."
But to objective observer, they really are.
Even when you catch them up in their lies, they'll still rationalize it with even greater absurdities.
"Many females (rampant on this board) get fooled into thinking they are "going with the flow" when actually they are "getting swept away with the tide".
I agree with you, unusualcancer. I struggle with this too. We women are told to give our guys plenty of space, hold back on expressing emotions and feelings with them, etc. out of fear of driving them away and instead, we get taken for granted. I have to admit that I told my friend to just go with the flow at first and to approach the subject gently with him. I thought it would help but apparently it hasn't. He is with these girls more than ever.
A little more background info on the aqua...He is 25 yrs old. He is also the lead singer in a local punk band. He tends to date older women and has been supported by some in the past. Going make-up shopping is not unusual for him since he wears it sometimes. As for him being "just one of the girls", he does it easily but is completely straight. He himself jokes that he is "the gayest straight man on the planet". It certainly works for him though...the girls flock to him like bees on honey. The first time I met him, he flirted with me and I was taken aback by it at first because he did it right in front of the virgo. She seemed not to mind and as I got to know him, I realized that this is just how he is and it doesn't mean anything to him. Virgo says it bothered her when she was getting to know him but she's seen him flirt with women, men, waiters, waitresses...probably plants and animals too. lol.
I just suggested to virgo last night before i posted this that maybe she should move out and let the two women support him until they get tired of each other too, but I wanted to make sure that I was giving her the right advice. If his behavior is just something like him reacting to being depressed about not providing and he is not cheating, then maybe this is something they can work through together. However, you are probably right in thinking that he's probably not pounding the pavement looking for a job. I see this as turning into something unhealthy for my virgo friend if things don't change.