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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
I was reading about Solipsism..people,what a dumbass philosophy it is..
It says that everything you see and everything outside doesn`t actually exsists,so all the world is in your mind only..
But what if you find out that all the dxp members here you are talking to,are actually the same member?but with different accounts..
I am hinting to something,there are 2 members here "atleast" who are the same person,and you people are talking to them daily..and actually it`s really imbarracing that you haven`t found out that yet..
p.s.forget about the pics,it can be brought from anywhere..
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Jun 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
you seem a bit down, would you like cookie?
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
That looks fun. I wish New York was like that for a couple weeks so that I could steal all the meals from Burger King.
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
It would be intresting to see if there was a person on here with another acoount playing us all. That shit pisses me off.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"Proverbs--->How do you expect someone to reciprocate if the true feelings are hidden?"
Well, just like any other human being, we all need to get an idea of how or IF our feelings will be well received. And Virgo's would rather keep it inside unless the other party makes it CLEAR AS DAY, that they are feeling the same way as well. We don't have a problem expressing. If a Virgo has not expressed their feelings to you, then it's because that other person is not sending clear signals in Virgo's opinion. This is were "taking risk" comes into play in the Virgo make up. WE DON'T LIKE IT. Virgo's need clear-cut stability. And taking "risks" is obviously the oposite of the stability that we need.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"what's your point?"
My point is clear..there are 2 famous members here who are the same person.
I will keep it secret now for my own amusment lol.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"But what if you find out that all the dxp members here you are talking to,are actually the same member?but with different accounts.."
Yeah that's very obvious. Some people just can't help the fact that an opurtunity lies out there to "appear" to be 2 or 3 different signs. Just tooo much mind-game-fun to play there. Just a matter of other people calling them out on it. Maybe we should play a game and try to guess.
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
Well I don't know who they are. Bunch of dicks if you ask me.