Thanks..Should I trust him again? Should I believe everything he wrote on the card.After everything I've read about pisces here on dxp, your experiences with them, your advise I dont think I want to. Moro I'm 33 years old and the truth is,i've only been involve in a serious relationship twice, he's the second one. The first one didn't last very long and I didn't really invest much in it, that relationship didnt do much for me.
Moro like you said,i've wasted enough precious time with him. I still do love him..This past month there are times where i find myself thinking about him and my heart will be racing and tears will fall.
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Dec 24, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 9
TDA if you had a powerful penetrating intelligence then you would become a con artist supreme with incredible gifts of persuation but then you wouldn't be the 200 + pound muscular sharp guy that you are you just traded in your appearence. But then what you mentioned about sounds ingenious man, what could possibly be more ingenious than some corrupted underdog sniffy looking rat man successfully soliciting 18 year old babes and minting fresh smelling green at the same time?
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
It seems to be a lot easier if your just pretty than it is to have brains for women...
Let me think about this one.
Is it a sign of weakness though if i don't fight back?Should I just turn the other cheek all the time.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
Hiya P-Angel. Yeah, I don't feel the goats get enough credit for everything they do for others. There should be an appreciation day or something. International Hug a Goat Day!
"Gemini and Aquarius at McDonalds"
See now, neither Gemini nor Aquarius would be caught dead at McDonalds. Not past the age of six anyway.
lol. =D
Mistery- The only reason I can think of is the fact that he is uncomfortable that we work together. He said to me a while back- "I would date you if we didn't work together." So I know this bothers him a big deal. I know exactly what I want from him. I have a good time when we are together, he's charming, funny, good looking, strong minded, very smart, great personality, independant, and a good conversationalist. He's everything I want in a man. Except emotionally he's not available. He's still pouting over his ex who just left him.
"So in that sense, don't take it personally, he may act like a woman more than we do." That's interesting cuz he knows damn well what I wanted from him the night I came on to him. So ur saying he may have just not been in the mood?