Is it a sign of weakness though if i don't fight back?Should I just turn the other cheek all the time.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
Hiya P-Angel. Yeah, I don't feel the goats get enough credit for everything they do for others. There should be an appreciation day or something. International Hug a Goat Day!
"Gemini and Aquarius at McDonalds"
See now, neither Gemini nor Aquarius would be caught dead at McDonalds. Not past the age of six anyway.
lol. =D
Mistery- The only reason I can think of is the fact that he is uncomfortable that we work together. He said to me a while back- "I would date you if we didn't work together." So I know this bothers him a big deal. I know exactly what I want from him. I have a good time when we are together, he's charming, funny, good looking, strong minded, very smart, great personality, independant, and a good conversationalist. He's everything I want in a man. Except emotionally he's not available. He's still pouting over his ex who just left him.
"So in that sense, don't take it personally, he may act like a woman more than we do." That's interesting cuz he knows damn well what I wanted from him the night I came on to him. So ur saying he may have just not been in the mood?
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
CasperAries, I didn't really expect my Libra to respond to my Merry Christmas message. It would have been sooooo like him not to. But to my surprise.....he did. I just felt much better about myself to be less scrooge-like regardless of if he responded or not. Had he not responded it would have just made things clearer to me about the type of person he had become to me. It would have also made it much easier to move in a different direction that won't include him had he not.
I'd have to say if I were you and given your circumstances and I worked with the guy I too would be looking to leave my position for a BETTER one and in a BETTER environment out of the situation you're in. As a matter of fact, I did the exact same thing many years ago with an almost identical situation to what you're going thru. (the guy wasn't a libra tho). Anyway, I too left the company and got a really awesome job traveling and by the time the guy realized I was gone he must have been in shock. I got some feedback from others at my old job that he seemed "upset" I had gone. That in itself made me feel good. It showed some degree that he cared enough to be upset so I must have meant something afterall but....his "concern" was a little too little too late.
Having been in your same position in the past I support your choice 100% . I also think you'll feel better in the long run because from my own worked out great for me when I did what you are doing now.
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Dec 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 990 · Topics: 22
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
LMAO! Does the gun often play a role in this, DC?