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Pisces are extremely impressionable to each passing influence, too susceptible to someone else's hard luck story or plea for help. Learning to say NO can be their lifetime project.
Picses must fight hard for stability, for the strength of purpose and balance needed to combat the negativity of laziness, carelessness and emotional confusion.
Pisces are capable of great sacrifice and hard work in the service of a cause or an ideal. Creative and intensely imaginative, Pisces are successful as a writer, musician, or artist. Pisces is the sign of the poet and the dreamer, and they strive to create a world that comes closer to their own unique vision. It's important to bring these dreams into the physical realms, instead of just in their mind. They are also loyal, unselfish, and generous, and always ready to help a friend who has fallen on hard times. They are not concerned with the superficial and with what others see on the surface. Pisces look at the inner soul, the essence. There is no more sensitive, perceptive friend, nor one more warmhearted, caring, devoted, and sentimental.
Just like Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents beginnings, Pisces is the twelfth and last sign, and represents eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. Pisceans are said to have deep intuitions into the human psyche. They have a sensitivity to their surroundings unmatched in the zodiac and are therefore highly spiritual beings. Since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and mystery, their personality is elusive and even harder to define. Because Pisces are the last sign of the zodiac,they are cleaning up the odds and ends that have not been cleared in the other eleven signs. Some people call this "the dustpan of the zodiac." In Pisces, one fish swims downstream representing the personality, the other fish swimming upstream represents the soul. Either the soul captures the personality and it becomes the servant, or the soul is bound and made captive by the personality. The spiritual motto of Pisces is "serve or suffer." Make the choice.
Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac and emotions are strong and deep in this sign. Pisces could be moody and introspective and hard to understand. Their need to escape from the world is great. Pisces need to retreat from the world from time to time in order to retain their equilibrium. When Pisces are connected with the inner source of their Being Pisces are capable of great achievements.