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12th House
This is the House of Secrets, Sorrows and Self-Undoing. It is the most mystical of all the Houses, and it closes the circle of the astrological chart. You don't have to look at this place as being negative, but it does define your limitations in life. This house governs disappointments, accidents, troubles and self-defeat. The unseen forces, secret enemies, asylums, hospitals and prisons are part of this house. This is also the House of Karma, or the House of spiritual debt, for it contains the rewards and punishments for the crimes you commit. This is the final house and it is where you finally have the opportunity to discover the meaning of life.
If Pisces have the Sun in this house you have chosen a life of privacy and quiet, enjoying meditation and reflection. Pisces may have difficulty expressing yourself and are close to only a few people. Their success will come later in life. However, Pisces will gain a deep spiritual understanding in this life, however, Pisces may tend to lead a secluded or lonely existence. Their keynote is to transcend.
With the Sun in this house it shows Pisces are in the depths of their own soul. This is the house that represents the subconscious mind, and it shows what lies hidden in the submerged and unknown part of ourselves. Pisces can either choose to "serve" or to "suffer", the choice is thei. Pisces will probably work behind the scenes, and would make a good doctor, researcher and would work well with people who are limited and afflicted in some way.