well P Angel i think i will take your advice and give this deuche bag some more time and see what happens, just hope it wont be too big of a waste of my time
one more question, why is it that they dont return calls......has anyone ever figured this out?
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"prettier than you ???"
??? I am not from your country.
how long would he stay away for,
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Apr 10, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 329 · Topics: 23
This is one of those things that's easier said than done, especially for me, but it's had remarkable results whenever I've managed to put it into practice. This has also been hinted at earlier, but bears repeating.
Go out and live a glorious, full life.
If you want to date someone else, date him. If you want to sleep with someone else, go right ahead. If you want to go to Ohio alone, go, or otherwise don't. If you want to spend 72 hours in bed with ice cream and books, rock on.
What I'm getting at is that you should find as many ways as possible to inject as much joy and life into your world that you can. Stop for a moment and look deep inside your heart to figure out what **you** (as opposed to anyone else) can do to make yourself happy.
I'm saying this not to judge you katout, but because I see a lot of myself in you. I'd be a total hypocrite if I didn't add that I struggle with this every day. I wear my heart on my sleeve, am ridiculously prone to romantic fantasizing, and have a perhaps too healthy sexual appetite. Sue me. I'm learning. It takes a lot of practice to put myself first, but I'm getting better at it (slowly and in very small increments, but hey).
I'd say your virgo is probably no better or no worse than anyone else in the world. He's doing his thing and, if you not liking it makes him a douche, so be it. My personal label of choice is fuckwad, but let's not get into semantics. Just remember that he, like you, is probably doing the best he can to make it through the day. Let him concentrate on himself while you do the same for yourself.
Good luck with everything!
I've been with my Virgo man for 2 years....never had a problem with this - probably because i kept him chasing me for awhile because i wasn't sure i wanted to be in a relationship.
I know my Virgo doesn't always respond to texts and phone calls....sometimes he's just sitting at home doing his own thing and doesn't want to be bothered. It took him months before he would even hold my hand in public....Its like they need to be eased into the whole relationship deal.
Don't pressure him, Leave him be - if he likes you he'll be back! I know i know, easier said than done. Just keep doing your single gal things! They respect that!