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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I really like that Sara song.
LOL @ wheels...reference to kris' "post".
When i first was introduced to astrology through a wise, quite older sag he told me that sagittarius are usually always into astrology... is that because we love learning? does anyone know what signs arent and which are in astrology?
ha! There is so much to learn! Go to if you want details of your birth date and stuff. but to learn how to read the charts and stuff takes time lol im still trying. good luck!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"So does this still seem like red flags? That stuff was influenced by family because it was a new and good relationship for the both of us..."
Yeah .. family influence would still seem like red flags. You're right, you two have moved way too fast, with what sounds like family pushing even harder.
Guys scare easy, and this is apparant with him, since he hasn't had an "official" girlfriend in the past. Perhaps, you two need to get away from family interference and go somewhere for a weekend (if you can drag him away from work), and try to be friends.
Actually, by him coming over to your house to spend nights at his convenience is probably sending him wrong signals. He can basically get away with having no commitment with you, and still getting laid. There's no reason for him to get serious if you're giving up the kitty anytime he wants it.
I'm not sure what I would do in your position .. but, I know that if my man broke up with me, I certainly wouldn't let him continue laying in my bed. It's highly likely that if you stopped sleeping with him, he would probably be forthcoming with what's going on with him.
I have stopped sleeping with's been over a month...
we only slept together like 2 times since we broke up...
I am not the type to do the casual sex thing. I only deal with a guy if I have serious feelings for him. Since he is out there single, he can sleep with whoever he wants cuz I'm not doin it...I think that is disgusting...
I just miss him, miss being with him. He makes me laugh and he brings out emotions in me that I never felt comfortable expressing with a man before. That's all.
I am not sitting around waiting for him to call or whatever else. I work, I have a child, I have things to do. It's just seems when I get stressed, I miss him. He tried to take care of my problems for me, so I miss him being there when I get like this.
I have noticed though that I will miss him like crazy but when I see him, it's not that serious. It's really weird!!
I am not really sure about everyone else but with me (I'm an Aries girl(, I don't like people getting in my personal space. We are not affectionate or I guess you can say, romantic-like, at first. We have to warm up to people for them to be able to do those things.
I know with my ex-husband, when we were dating, he was laying on my lap and got and kissed me. I rubbed it off It was like a violation. We do things like that on our own terms.
class act & freebird...
I agree with what you said. I am an Aries girl and through my experiences, I have only stopped dealing with someone if I cannot take it anymore. It has to be something though. I cannot take lying, cheating, being superfical or stuff like that.
Yeah, we may seem hard to please and like we have no emotions. That's because we have a hard outer shell, but are sensitive inside. We feel we are weak when we expose ourselves.
So yes, I agree. Something lead to that. Maybe it was something that he didn't like and you kept doing it. I'm not sure though
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
aries are mental like that...
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
""We haven't had sex in like 6-7 months.""
oh god. is he disabled?