Feelings and Emotions!!!

Do you mean when you mind wanders on other things besides yourself... or do you mean when you talk to other people you mind wanders...

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LOL @ SR: "Very simply, they each live happily ever after without each other."
Thats what I said...lol
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If the guy calls her after sex and keeps coming back he's interested...Scorps don't do affection well...well I can't speak for anyone else but I certainly don't..but I do sort of understand where she's coming from.....women are slightly paranoid when it comes to that sort of thing..but as someone once said..I am not going to call you just cos I need to comfort you..I am going to call you cos I geniunely want to...Never has a truer statement been said...
If you do not care .. then why step out?
If a person makes a decision to do something then it's because some kind of care has been present to use for wieghing the decision.
Well,it`s not new for me,till my 17 i used to think i am a Sag..i wasn`t interested in Astrology though..
now after 6 years of believing i am a Scorpio,it comes to my mind that really i am a SAg..it`s really confusing to born on Nov 21st,really annoying..i mean i was reading the Sag and Scorpio charac again today,SCorps don`t laugh a lot,well i crack laughing all the time..i LOVE to read,travel,i was clown of my class,shy,get angry easily..still,i have some Scorp things like secretive,like to stay alone but not all day,and i love the black color haha..
Damn cusps,i have like 2 faces..people think i am twisted.
Michael,you should be like me borning in the same day..got 4 planets in Scorpio and 3 in Sag..
Now i can marry Archer Winking
Haffo, I wrote that and then decided that might not have meant stepping out, as in leaving .. so, I hid it.
The day of your birth is only 15% of your total astrological make up. I did my birth chart yesterday and I have 5 capricorn influences including my true node. We're nothing alike but you're right about the two faces. I understand that.
"i was clown of my class,shy,get angry easily"
See? There's a difference right there. You were a class clown in school while I was on the FBI most wanted list.
But the color black just works for us.
I'm cheap .. alright 10 bucks, then.