I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

Thanks sooo much for your response CapGirl. I've taken your advice and i've sent him a text message. Just gotta wait and see if he responds now. Really hope he does x

Related Messages

"SR did you see it?"
I did. She looks like a Scorp female.
"We have scorp rising...no need for pretense aint that right SS??"
Yes MA'AM! We knows what time it is! Winking
"SR loves dis bull's derriere."
Word. That ass is fine. So fine it looks like a cartoon when shrunken down (compliment, btw).
Look at them all SR....desperatly seeking anything in their charts that remotely resembles being a scorp....Sigh....It must be hard being in the "other" category
Wow...then she must be schmokin'. Come on, English Rose....get me that pic! smile
I'm a mean, mean Scorp sometimes! I swear! *sniffle*
"Look at them all SR....desperatly seeking anything in their charts that remotely resembles being a scorp....Sigh....It must be hard being in the "other" category"
They both eagerly participated in the Scorp Men are hot thread.
Case closed.
I love the Fishies. I can't help it.
"I love the Fishies. I can't help it."
SR...it is your destiny...
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Well Scorpio men are all about the ass....and tits....and a shmokin body...and the gorgeous face.........and well.....