I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

I don't know cc.
It sounds like he wants to keep other options open. If I meet a guy that I really connect with I wouldn't bother to meet others. But again.. I'm a Cap woman. Men are different.
I had this Scorpio man calling me 5 times in one day last week. He wanted to meet me this week. He said that when he saw my picture he got interested. Also he said he liked my voice. He said he would call me later that night or next day. He didn't call. Probably had other dates on weekend. Today he sent me 3 messages and called me 3 times. I didn't reply to him. Why? I lost my interest 'cause he didn't show enough interest on me. I just thought that "why does he even bother to call me?" If he's not really interested then I don't need to meet him. I don't wanna waste my time. smile
Do what your gut feeling's saying to you.

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Then why post a topic asking whether you should want him?

Face the truth .... but, for the fact that you're in here making excuses for him and saying he's a pretty good guy, is in essence, you considering forgiving him for what he's done because you want him.
If you didn't ... then you wouldn't have uttered a word, just cut your loses and moved on.
Maybe we're just test animals and don't know it.
I think people get what they deserve in life, cappywench.
We get what we think about, what we call to ourselves .. so essentially, this is what we deserve because this is what we've attracted to ourselves.
"But maybe helps relate to others better than just pisces or aqua alone.."
..i couldn't agree more. Gives a good balance of both 'emotion' and 'logic' .. Best of both worlds.
CC- Sorry to read you had to break it off, but only you know what's best for you. You're a strong women, and from what I was told just today by my brothers (virg & sag), strong women are a turn-on (and men like lap dances - duh!), so I'm sure you'll find someone who meets your needs. Wishing you all the best in 2008! lilo
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
Sedona is an awesome place ... very spiritually healing. The only time I've ever been there was on a shamanic journey, during a reconnection. My spirit took me to a mountain top, overlooking the Sedona Creek .. it was very enlightening.
i made mines upset,lol many times,lol. Yet she stuck with me cause i fufill most of the promises and she just loves me for me. Me being there and sharing a dream with her. ALso another point words alooooone mean nothing. BAck it up with action MOOD. Another no no is looking at another girl or flirting with her friend you will get the "taurus death stare of a lifetime"lol. And one thing be prepared to love hard and be asked alot of questions because taurus women wants to make sure that you worth the time and effort of being her persuer. On that note of sounding extremely "old" I bid u all a happy new year if yall dont hear from me.
"Even though you might not understand him try to understand or just pretend."

Pretend to understand?