Scorpio woman ..and Cancer male

we laugh things off or make jokes about things cause it protects us. but one thing is that there is a lot of truth in our jokes. we do it to protect us in case we misinterpreted something that way we don't look like fools. take his jokes in jest but also listen carefully. we can hide or show no emotion like anyones business. a lot of ppl have a hard time reading me and it isn't that i do it intentionally but that i am very reserved around ppl i don't know but heck even the one's who know me can't get me sometimes. i don't think you being indian or him being scottish has any play so i wouldn't worry about that. if it did then i don't think yall would be friends for this long. hmmm, i am not sure about you telling him how you feel. the question is do you think this could possibly ruin your friendship? think about that and weigh the options. you might want to gather some more intelligence about him and his girlfriend before confessing anything to him..but that is just my opinion..

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i made mines upset,lol many times,lol. Yet she stuck with me cause i fufill most of the promises and she just loves me for me. Me being there and sharing a dream with her. ALso another point words alooooone mean nothing. BAck it up with action MOOD. Another no no is looking at another girl or flirting with her friend you will get the "taurus death stare of a lifetime"lol. And one thing be prepared to love hard and be asked alot of questions because taurus women wants to make sure that you worth the time and effort of being her persuer. On that note of sounding extremely "old" I bid u all a happy new year if yall dont hear from me.
"Even though you might not understand him try to understand or just pretend."

Pretend to understand?
I dont think so.
I think haffo needs a girl friend. smile
"My Virgo guy said all of the right things about seeing each other more"

You get him to work even harder to make you happy, then dump him because you don't feel like his priority ... yet, are clearly aware that he is trying to run his own business and is several hours away from you.

:: shakes head ::
actually it translates as thus:
Spachtel= spatula
Prugel= can have two meanings: it's either beating (the noun, not the verb) or club
thanks for taking part in this little introduction to german linguistics :-P
and now back to the topic, i'm really into cheese, but i can't stand the taste of blue cheese. makes me feel as if i'm chewing on toxic waste lol
Or snow .. so he can make himself a cock to hug.
/ (
P-Angel: I believe that's the tough reality... I don't know if you understand but I feel really jealous just imagining the man I like "drooling" for another woman... It's like I feel I must be the one he looks at...maybe it's a Leo woman personality thing, I don't know. How can I deal with that?

Mystical: Yeah... I want stability and someone who loves as I love him. And true, what has to be, has to be, no matter what we want or do. I'll keep my faith as you said and also moving on my life. I'm lucky in being a happy person, I mean I'm always joking and with good mood, if I wasn't like that I'd be doomed...falling into depression. I don't deny I cry sometimes, it's normal since I love him, but then I try to cheer myself up and also think about other things. *sighs*

WernerOne: Thanks again =).