I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

"He said 'i did have the feeling we hit it off well. I'm trying to keep the process of meeting short but agreed on meetings this week and at the weekend. I will not waste anyones time after this and will definitely call you after the weekend."
He told you what he was doing....I would say ok...and leave it alone he will call you when he is ready...why don't you just continue your dating process....
I think we are all aware that if you continue to wait for him you will be back on this board complaining why he has not called and the weekend is over with....LIVE YOUR LIFE...if he calls he calls if he don't don't get in your head and start tripping.
A lot of these women on this board have plenty experience with Cap men including me....please take there advice and use it wisely....

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is it possible for u to fall in love or like with someone online? w/o meeting them first if it seem impossible because of distance?
It's falling in love with the fantasy or the ideal of love, and when you find the man of your dreams has feet of clay, he comes crashing down off his pedestal and the Piscean is off. I remember reading an description of Piscean traits and describes the woman when it comes to sex as one extreme to the other and nothing in between. Dreaming is nice, but there are times you have to deal with reality, my advice, stay single and work out what you really want in a partner, write it down, and don't settle with someone until they meet this list. It might seem a bit odd, but once you get emotional, it's all downhill, unless you're lucky enough to have et the right person. Of course, Not all Pisces are the same, depends on other influences.
if we are interested in them. Or if we get suspicious about their story or intentions.
Cotton Candy, here's my two cents ...
Your guy has lost much of your trust. I don't know what is the "dealbreaker" for you, it doesn't seem like it is his cheating on you, b/c you still want to give your relationship a chance. This is very forgiving of you. Take the time you need and let him know how you feel and listen to what he says as well. People make mistakes. If you decide that your relationship is worth working through this, then do it.
Every person who think falling in love over the net is stupid is just making a fool out of themselves. I started seeing them with a bit of sympathy these days after getting more and more case studies.
Getting to like a person happens inside ones brain. You get only limited inputs during communication compared to meeting a person in real life. If you experiment, you can realize your brain can really get interested in someone with those limited set of inputs and doesn't really need all those facial gestures and presence all the time. And people do speak more frankly over the net than in real life. There is always a certain amount of lies and psychological factors we face when meeting people in real life. So we get deceived less over the net.
I think I understand what you mean. You may have felt embarrassed since you have asked some people to explain something a little more to you, yet they get angry and walk away instead of helping you to understand something they have said. However, if you really need to understand something (work, family, school, etc.), don't let people intimidate you. Ask someone else or Google.
(( LMAO. Now look who sounds all judgmental about being judgmental ?? ))
tats bcoz you are water. see the point? same reason why the explanations of QS looks more convincing to you. She too is water. So its a general water perspective on libra.
thank u all for your heartbfelt answers. what i meant by make him fall in love with me again ( i meant to try to solve the issue we have not in aggresive way just try to bring the love again ) that what i wanted to say. he is trying to gain my trust so hard but i started to push him away till now i think he gave up and i don want my relationship with cold and meaningless
so he is asking me out i just want to suprise this pisces guy of how much i understand what he need.
so pllllz i need tips on how to suprise him i want romantic gesture coz he is doing alot i just wanna show i saw what u did to gain my trust.
weird... is this thread meant to poke fun at me? Sad
thank u all for your heartbfelt answers. what i meant by make him fall in love with me again ( i meant to try to solve the issue we have not in aggresive way just try to bring the love again ) that what i wanted to say. he is trying to gain my trust so hard but i started to push him away till now i think he gave up and i don want my relationship with cold and meaningless
so he is asking me out i just want to suprise this pisces guy of how much i understand what he need.
so pllllz i need tips on how to suprise him i want romantic gesture coz he is doing alot i just wanna show i saw what u did to gain my trust.